首页> 外文期刊>International journal of computer systems science & engineering >Cervical Diseases Prediction Using LHVR Techniques

Cervical Diseases Prediction Using LHVR Techniques

机译:Cervical Diseases Prediction Using LHVR Techniques

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The stabilizing mechanisms of cervical spine spondylosis are involved in the degenerating segmentation vertebra, which often causes pain. Health of the individual is affected, both physically and mentally. Due to depression, nervousness, and psychological damages occur thereby losing their human activity functions. The nucleus pulposus of spinal disc herniation is prolapsed through a deficiency of annulus fibrosus. A jelly-like core part of the disc contains proteins that cause the tissues to become swollen when it touches the nucleus pulposus. The proposed Gradient Linear Classification (GLC) algorithm is used for the efficient automatic classification of disc degeneration herniation of Inter vertebral/vertebra in a cervical disc. Distance between the disc degeneration is classified through gradient operator and is estimated using the rotation of angles between the correlations. Specialists of the orthopedic spine are searching for high-precision algorithms, which are achieved using proposed Linear Hybrid Vertebra Regression (LHVR) diagnostic techniques to identify the degree of cervical disc degeneration using an accurate location. Our experimental results have been used to determine a high range of classification in predicting the spinal cord which saves handling time and accomplishes high accuracy in detection.




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