首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Experimental Biology >Electric catfish hearts are not intrinsically immune to electric shocks

Electric catfish hearts are not intrinsically immune to electric shocks


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High voltage electric shocks cause life threatening cardiac injuries such as sudden cardiac standstill or severe myocardial injury. Here, we analysed the physiology of the heart of the strongly electric catfish (Malapterurus beninensis) that stuns prey with high-voltage shocks but is immune to its own, as well as external, high-voltage shocks. Neither a detailed analysis of the electrocardiogram nor the structure of the heart indicated a specialized cardiac conduction system. Using a suitable perfusion system, we discovered that, despite its immunity in vivo, the explanted heart of electric catfish can readily be activated by external electrical currents and is equally sensitive to electric shock-induced arrhythmias as similar-sized goldfish hearts. The surprise thus is that the electric catfish has a vulnerable heart that requires to be protected by highly efficient but presently unknown means.
机译:高压电击会导致危及生命的心脏损伤,例如心脏突然停止或严重的心肌损伤。在这里,我们分析了强电鲶鱼(Malapterurus beninensis)心脏的生理学,这种鲶鱼会用高压电击击晕猎物,但对自身以及外部高压电击免疫。对心电图和心脏结构的详细分析均未表明存在专门的心脏传导系统。使用合适的灌注系统,我们发现,尽管电鲶鱼在体内具有免疫力,但外植的心脏可以很容易地被外部电流激活,并且对电击引起的心律失常与类似大小的金鱼心脏同样敏感。因此,令人惊讶的是,电鲶鱼有一颗脆弱的心脏,需要通过高效但目前未知的手段来保护。




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