首页> 外文期刊>Transportation research, Part A. Policy and practice >Impact of CR Express and intermodal freight transport competition on China-Europe Route: Emission and welfare implications

Impact of CR Express and intermodal freight transport competition on China-Europe Route: Emission and welfare implications


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China Railway Express (CR Express) has been fast developed, offering an alternative to transportation of the containerized cargo between China and Europe. This paper examines CO_2 emissions and social welfare implications of the intermodal competition between the emerging CR Express and incumbent maritime shipping. An analytical model is developed, which shows that the implications depend in general on the relative emission intensities of the two transport modes on a per-trip basis. The entry of CR Express and the resultant intermodal competition, while likely improving welfare, will increase emissions unless CR Express is sufficiently emission efficient. Such impacts on emissions and welfare are enhanced when there are more CR Express operators, or when there are fewer shipping carriers. The competition among Chinese local governments in supporting their own CR Express services also strengthens the impacts. The analytical model is further calibrated with real market and operational data on the route between China's Yangtze River Delta and Central Europe. Our numerical simulations show that intermodal competition leads to more emissions unless CR Express can achieve an approximately 90 reduction in emission intensity and that overall welfare is nonetheless improved. Policy and managerial implications are discussed.
机译:中欧班列(CR Express)发展迅速,为中国和欧洲之间的集装箱货物运输提供了另一种选择。本文研究了新兴的华润班列与现有海运之间的多式联运竞争对排放和社会福利的影响CO_2。建立了一个分析模型,表明其影响通常取决于两种运输方式在每次行程中的相对排放强度。中欧班列的进入和由此产生的多式联运竞争,虽然可能会改善福利,但除非中欧班列有足够的排放效率,否则将增加排放。当中欧班列运营商较多或承运商较少时,这种对排放和福利的影响会加剧。中国地方政府在支持自己的中欧班列服务方面的竞争也加强了影响。该分析模型使用中国长江三角洲和中欧之间航线的真实市场和运营数据进行了进一步校准。我们的数值模拟表明,除非中欧班列能够实现排放强度降低约90%且整体福利得到改善,否则多式联运竞争将导致更多的排放。讨论了政策和管理方面的影响。




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