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Unilateral vortex keratopathy of unknown etiology


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A 54-year-old man with noncontributory medical history presented to an ophthalmologist in January 2022 after 10 days of irritation in his right eye. The patient recounts having felt something get into his eye and under his contact lens (CL) while he was climbing into his car, but he was unsure what the foreign body may have been. Initial examination by the clinician found uncorrected distance visual acuity of 20/100-2 with a corneal abrasion, 4+ corneal edema, and 3+ conjunctival injection, for which he was placed on topical antibiotics (ocuflox and tobradex) with a bandage CL. 1 week later, visual acuity was 20/80, corneal edema had improved, and he was noted to have corneal scarring and an epithelial defect. Tobradex was continued while prednisolone drops and preservative-free artificial tears were started. 1 week later, the patient had worsening visual acuity to 20/250 and was referred to our tertiary center. On initial consultation, the patient had an uncorrected distance visual acuity of 20/500 and an uncorrected near visual acuity of >J10 in the right eye. Slitlamp examination of the right eye was significant for vortex keratopathy and mild corneal pannus with 360-degree subtle conjunctivalization of the limbus (Figure 1). The corneal topograph was obtained showing significant surface irregularity on the Placido image (Figure 2). Examination of the left eye was unremarkable. The ocular history is significant for myopia of -4.0 diopters and CL use for 20 years. The patient admits to regularly wearing soft CLs for several days straight and only removing them for a few hours. Antibiotics were discontinued, corticosteroid drops were reduced in frequency, and the patient was continued on preservative-free artificial tears. What imaging might you consider? What is your differential diagnosis at this point? What would be the most appropriate surgical and/or medical interventions? What would you counsel in prognosis for this patient?
机译:2022 年 1 月,一名无贡献性病史的 54 岁男性在右眼受到刺激 10 天后就诊于眼科医生。患者回忆说,当他爬上车时,他感觉到有东西进入了他的眼睛和隐形眼镜(CL),但他不确定异物可能是什么。临床医生的初步检查发现,未矫正的远视力为 20/100-2,伴有角膜擦伤、4+ 角膜水肿和 3+ 结膜注射,为此他被局部使用抗生素(ocuflox 和 tobradex)并用绷带 CL。 1 周后,视力为 20/80,角膜水肿有所改善,并发现他有角膜瘢痕和上皮缺损。继续使用 Tobradex,同时开始滴剂泼尼松龙和不含防腐剂的人工泪液。1周后,患者视力恶化至20/250,并被转诊至我们的三级中心。初次就诊时,患者右眼未矫正远视力为20/500,未矫正近视力为>J10。右眼的裂隙灯检查对涡旋性角膜病变和轻度角膜翳伴角膜缘 360 度微妙结膜化具有重要意义(图 1)。获得的角膜地形图在Placido图像上显示明显的表面不规则性(图2)。左眼检查无明显异常。眼病史对于屈光度 -4.0 的近视和 CL 使用 20 年具有重要意义。患者承认连续几天经常佩戴软 CL,并且只取下它们几个小时。停用抗生素,减少皮质类固醇滴剂的频率,并继续使用不含防腐剂的人工泪液。您可以考虑哪种影像学检查?您目前的鉴别诊断是什么?什么是最合适的手术和/或医疗干预?您对这位患者的预后有什么建议?




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