首页> 外文期刊>Geometry & Topology >Unramified F-divided objects and the etale fundamental pro-groupoid in positive characteristic

Unramified F-divided objects and the etale fundamental pro-groupoid in positive characteristic

机译:无分支的 F 分割对象和具有正特征的 etale 基本前群



Let X/S be a flat algebraic stack of finite presentation. We define a new etale fundamental pro-groupoid Π_1(X/S), generalizing Grothendieck's enlarged etale fundamental group from SGA 3 to the relative situation. When S is of equal positive characteristic p, we prove that Π_1(X/S) naturally arises as colimit of the system of relative Frobenius morphisms X → X~(p/S) → X~(p~2/S) → ... in the pro-category of Deligne Mumford stacks. We give an interpretation of this result as an adjunction between Π_1 and the stack Fdiv of F-divided objects. In order to obtain these results, we study the existence and properties of relative perfection for algebras in characteristic p.
机译:设 X/S 是有限表示的平面代数堆栈。我们定义了一个新的 etale 基本基本群 pro-groupoid Π_1(X/S),将 Grothendieck 的扩大 etale 基本群从 SGA 3 推广到相对情况。当 S 具有相等的正特征 p 时,我们证明 Π_1(X/S) 自然而然地作为相对 Frobenius 形态 X → X~(p/S) → X~(p~2/S) → ...在 Deligne Mumford 堆栈的专业类别中。我们将这个结果解释为 Π_1 和 F 分割对象的堆栈 Fdiv 之间的结合。为了得到这些结果,我们研究了代数在特征p中相对完美度的存在和性质。




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