首页> 外文期刊>Advanced Optical Materials >Mid- to Far-Infrared Anisotropic Dielectric Function of HfS_2 and HfSe_2

Mid- to Far-Infrared Anisotropic Dielectric Function of HfS_2 and HfSe_2


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The far-infrared (far-IR) remains a relatively underexplored region of the electromagnetic spectrum extending roughly from 20 to 100 μm in free-space wavelength. Research within this range has been restricted due to a lack of optical materials that can be optimized to reduce losses and increase sensitivity, as well as by the long free-space wavelengths associated with this spectral region. Here the exceptionally broad Reststrahlen bands of two Hf-based transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) that can support surface phonon polaritons (SPhPs) within the mid-infrared (mid-IR) into the terahertz (THz) are reported. In this vein, the IR transmission and reflectance spectra of hafnium disulfide (HfS_2) and hafnium diselenide (HfSe_2) flakes are measured and their corresponding dielectric functions are extracted. These exceptionally broad Reststrahlen bands (HfS_2: 165 cm~(?1); HfSe_2: 95 cm~(?1)) dramatically exceed that of the more commonly explored molybdenum- (Mo) and tungsten- (W) based TMDs (≈5–10 cm~(?1)), which results from the over sevenfold increase in the Born effective charge of the Hf-containing compounds. This work therefore identifies a class of materials for nanophotonic and sensing applications in the mid- to far-IR, such as deeply sub-diffractional hyperbolic and polaritonic optical antennas, as is predicted via electromagnetic simulations using the extracted dielectric function.
机译:远红外线(far-IR)仍然是电磁波谱中一个相对未被开发的区域,在自由空间波长中大约从20μm延伸到100μm。由于缺乏可以优化以减少损耗和提高灵敏度的光学材料,以及与该光谱区域相关的长自由空间波长,该范围内的研究受到限制。这里报道了两种基于Hf的过渡金属硫族化合物(TMD)的异常宽的Reststrahlen能带,它们可以支持中红外(mid-IR)到太赫兹(THz)内的表面声子极化激元(SPhPs)。在这种情况下,测量了二硫化铪(HfS_2)和二硒化铪(HfSe_2)薄片的红外透射和反射光谱,并提取了它们相应的介电函数。这些异常宽的 Reststrahlen 带 (HfS_2: 165 cm~(?1);HfSe_2:95 cm~(?1))大大超过了更常见的钼基(Mo)和钨基TMD(≈5-10 cm~(?1)),这是由于含Hf化合物的Born有效电荷增加了七倍以上。因此,这项工作确定了一类用于中远红外纳米光子学和传感应用的材料,例如深度亚衍射双曲线和极化子光学天线,正如通过使用提取的介电函数的电磁模拟所预测的那样。




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