首页> 外文期刊>Journal of airport management >Transforming the way passengers and colleagues travel to Heathrow

Transforming the way passengers and colleagues travel to Heathrow


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This paper seeks to explore the many ways Heathrow is transforming how passengers and colleagues travel to and from the airport by surface transport modes of access - with the core goal of promoting sustainability and prioritising decarbonisation. Initially, the scale of the surface access challenges being faced to reach zero-emission travel is demonstrated, and the targets in place to tackle them effectively are identified - contextualised by the information gleaned from the first-of-its-kind Heathrow Travel Report From there, the levers are identified, both physical and emotional, that can transform ambitions into a reality, as well as demonstrating how they can be used to influence commuter and customer behaviour. Clearly, it is also necessary to acknowledge the reality of how the COVID-19 pandemic affects travel through passenger numbers and personal preferences, while highlighting how infrastructure and policy guidelines have been adapted in order to recognise this new reality. Behavioural change is always an individual decision, but using expertise to shift opinion by highlighting affordability, accessibility, health and environmental benefits throughout will showcase the essential future of travelling to Heathrow for passengers and colleagues in a clear and cogent way.
机译:本文旨在探讨希思罗机场通过地面交通方式改变乘客和同事往返机场的多种方式,其核心目标是促进可持续发展和优先考虑脱碳。最初,展示了实现零排放旅行所面临的地面访问挑战的规模,并确定了有效解决这些问题的目标 - 根据从首份希思罗机场旅行报告中收集的信息进行背景分析从那里,确定了可以将雄心壮志变为现实的杠杆,并展示了如何利用它们来影响通勤者和客户行为。显然,还有必要承认 COVID-19 大流行如何通过乘客数量和个人偏好影响旅行的现实,同时强调如何调整基础设施和政策指南以承认这一新现实。行为改变始终是个人决定,但利用专业知识通过强调可负担性、可及性、健康和环境效益来改变意见,将以清晰而令人信服的方式向乘客和同事展示前往希思罗机场的重要未来。




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