首页> 外文期刊>Journal of cognitive neuroscience >Competition between Associations in Memory

Competition between Associations in Memory


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If two associations share an item, one may be remembered at the expense of the other (BC recalled but not AB). Here, we identify the neural processes by which this competition materializes and is resolved. We analyzed fMRI signal while participants studied sets of pairs that reliably induced pair-to-pair associative interference, but which participants could not fully resolve. Precuneus activity tracked retrieval of previous pairs during study of later overlapping pairs. This retrieval apparently produced interference by diverting study resources from the currently displayed pair. However, when activity in ventromedial prefrontal cortex, as well as anterior subregions of the hippocampus, was present while the earlier pair had been studied, interference was reversed, and both pairs were likely to be recalled. Angular gyrus and mid-frontal activity were related to interference resolution once the participant had seen both pairs. Taken together, associations compete via precuneus-mediated competitive retrieval, but ventromedial prefrontal cortex may neutralize this by ensuring that when the earlier association is remembered while studying the later pair, memories of the two pairs can overcome interference likely via activity in mid-frontal cortex and angular gyrus.
机译:如果两个协会共享一个项目,则一个协会可能会被记住,而另一个协会可能会以牺牲另一个为代价(BC 召回,但不包括 AB)。在这里,我们确定了这种竞争实现和解决的神经过程。我们分析了fMRI信号,同时参与者研究了一组可靠地诱导成对对的关联干扰,但参与者无法完全解决的对。楔前前活动跟踪了在研究后来的重叠对时对的检索。这种检索显然通过转移当前显示的对的研究资源而产生干扰。然而,当腹内侧前额叶皮层以及海马体前亚区的活动存在时,在研究早期一对时,干扰被逆转,两对都可能被召回。一旦参与者看到两对,角回和额叶中活动就与干扰分辨率有关。总而言之,关联通过楔前介导的竞争性检索进行竞争,但腹内侧前额叶皮层可以通过确保在研究后一对时记住早期关联时,两对的记忆可以克服可能通过中额叶皮层和角回活动产生的干扰来中和这一点。




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