首页> 外文期刊>Behavioral sleep medicine >The Association between Sleep Problems and Neuropsychological Deficits in Medication-naive Children with ADHD

The Association between Sleep Problems and Neuropsychological Deficits in Medication-naive Children with ADHD


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Background: Children with ADHD are reported to have sleep problems and neuropsychological deficits, but studies examining a potential association between the two are scarce and the use of varying methodology can complicate conclusions. Participants: A clinical sample of 59 medication-naive children with ADHD between the ages of 6 and 14 years (71 male). Methods: Children underwent polysomnography and multiple sleep latency test, and parent rated sleep habits on the Children's Sleep Habits Questionnaire. Children also completed an extensive neuropsychological battery of executive function and delay aversion tasks, and parents and teachers rated executive function behavior on the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function. Linear regression analyses were conducted with each of the neuropsychological outcomes included as the outcome variable and the sleep parameters as the predictor variables. Results: The correlations between sleep and neuropsychological outcomes were generally modest, but some sleep parameters (primarily sleep stages and sleep latencies) were associated with objectively and subjectively measured executive function and delay aversion. Conclusions: Using objective and subjective gold standard assessment procedures this study supports a (modest) association between sleep and neuropsychological function in children with ADHD.
机译:背景:据报道,患有多动症的儿童有睡眠问题和神经心理缺陷,但研究两者之间潜在关联的研究很少,使用不同的方法可能会使结论复杂化。参与者:59 名年龄在 6 至 14 岁之间的 ADHD 初治儿童(71% 为男性)的临床样本。方法:对患儿进行多导睡眠图和多次睡眠潜伏期测试,并在儿童睡眠习惯问卷上对睡眠习惯进行家长评分。孩子们还完成了广泛的执行功能和延迟厌恶任务的神经心理学组合,父母和老师在执行功能行为评级量表上对执行功能行为进行了评分。进行线性回归分析,将每个神经心理学结局作为结局变量,睡眠参数作为预测变量。结果:睡眠与神经心理学结局之间的相关性一般适中,但一些睡眠参数(主要是睡眠阶段和睡眠潜伏期)与客观和主观测量的执行功能和延迟厌恶相关。结论:本研究使用客观和主观的金标准评估程序,支持多动症儿童睡眠与神经心理功能之间的(适度)关联。




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