首页> 外文期刊>Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society journal >Application of the Multi-element Grid in EMC Uncertainty Simulation

Application of the Multi-element Grid in EMC Uncertainty Simulation


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Uncertainty analysis is a research hotspot inthe field of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) simulation.The stochastic collocation method (SCM) is consideredparticularly suitable for uncertainty analysis inthe EMC field because it is characterized by a high levelof computational efficiency and accuracy while requiringno replacement solver. However, the post-processingprocess of the SCM is too complex, which will seriouslylimit its application in many industrial environmentssuch as real-time simulation analysis. Multi-element grid(MEG) is a novel uncertainty analysis method recentlyfor successful application in another area. It is provedthat its calculation accuracy is same as the SCM, and itspost-processing process is facile. This paper introducesthe MEG to the EMC field and makes a detailed comparisonbetween it and the SCM in performance, aiming toapply uncertainty analysis to solve more practical EMCengineering problems.




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