首页> 外文期刊>Journal of pest science >Refuge areas favor the presence of predators and herbivores in Bt soybean: a landscape perspective

Refuge areas favor the presence of predators and herbivores in Bt soybean: a landscape perspective


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Abstract Soybean plants that express various insecticidal proteins of the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis have been widely adopted globally in many crop systems. This technology effectively controls the main defoliating pest species in most countries and reduces insecticide spray requirements. However, widespread use of Bt crops also generates high selection pressure against pest populations, leading to resistance concerns. Refuge areas are established to delay this phenomenon, but little is known about their other ecological functions. We evaluated the role of non-Bt soybean refuge areas regarding the abundance and richness of predator species in Bt soybean and non-Bt fields. For 2 years, herbivore and predatory arthropods were sampled in 28 soybean fields (RR/Bt) and their non-Bt soybean refuge areas (RR/noBt) in Uruguay, throughout the whole crop cycle. Landscape crop diversity (1 km radius) was characterized by its richness and evenness. Arthropod abundance and richness were analyzed using general linear mixed models. The abundance and richness of predators (Araneae, Coccinellidae, Heteroptera and Chrysopidae) found in Bt soybean were positively associated with the values recorded in refuge areas, independently of the diversity of the surrounding landscape. This relationship was not affected by changes in the distance between sampling points (within 800 m). The abundance of stink bugs and leaf-feeding caterpillars in Bt soybean was positively associated with refuge area values. Our results reinforce the importance of refuge areas, not only due to their role in resistance management, but also as preservation areas of beneficial fauna within a landscape approach to Integrated Pest Management in agroecosystems.
机译:摘要 表达苏云金芽孢杆菌多种杀虫蛋白的大豆植株已在全球许多作物体系中得到广泛应用。该技术在大多数国家有效控制了主要的落叶害虫种类,并减少了杀虫剂喷洒需求。然而,Bt作物的广泛使用也对害虫种群产生了很高的选择压力,导致了抗药性问题。建立避难区是为了延缓这种现象,但对其其他生态功能知之甚少。我们评估了非Bt大豆保护区在Bt大豆和非Bt田中捕食物种的丰度和丰富度方面的作用。在2年的时间里,在整个作物周期中,在乌拉圭的28个大豆田(RR/Bt)及其非Bt大豆保护区(RR/noBt)对食草动物和掠食性节肢动物进行了采样。景观作物多样性(半径1 km)的特点是丰富性和均匀性。使用一般线性混合模型分析节肢动物的丰度和丰富度。在Bt大豆中发现的捕食者(Araneae、Coccinellidae、Heteroptera和Chrysopidae)的丰度和丰富度与保护区记录的值呈正相关,与周围景观的多样性无关。这种关系不受采样点之间距离变化的影响(800 m以内)。Bt大豆中臭虫和以叶为食的毛虫的丰度与避难区值呈正相关。我们的研究结果强调了避难所的重要性,不仅因为它们在抗性管理中的作用,而且在农业生态系统中综合害虫管理的景观方法中作为有益动物群的保护区。




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