
Sutton's Law


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A reporter once allegedly asked the infamous bank robber, Willie Sutton, why he robbed banks. Sutton's response was "Because that's where the money is" (1). Usingpostmortem humanbrain to elucidate the molecular biology of brain disease is a strategy consistent with Sutton's Law. The work of Ehringer and Hornykiewicz, which found decreased dopamine in the striatum of postmortem brains of patients with Parkinson's disease (2), was a resounding demonstration of the wisdom of this strategy. It paved the way for the use of L-dopa, the metabolic precursor of dopamine, in the treatment of Parkinson's disease (3). As dramatic as these findings were for neurology, it had a significant impact on the early postmortem brain studies of schizophrenia, which focused heavily on monoamines and their receptors (4-6). While the dramatic success of this approach for Parkinson's disease has not been matched as yet in psychiatric disorders, postmortem brain studies of schizophrenia have pushed ahead with a number of novel hypotheses propelled by advances from the Human Genome Project (7, 8) and the Psychiatric Ge-nomics Consortium (9). While studies related to risk variants for schizophrenia have involved hundreds of postmortem brains (10, 11), smaller, cellular-level studies have complemented this approach, as referenced in an article by Dienel et al. in this issue (12) entitled "The Nature of Prefrontal Cortical GABA Neuron Alterations in Schizophrenia: Markedly Lower Somatostatin and Parvalbumin Gene Expression Without Missing Neurons."
机译:据称,一名记者曾经问过臭名昭著的银行劫匪威利·萨顿(Willie Sutton),他为什么要抢劫银行。萨顿的回答是“因为那是钱的地方”(1)。使用死后人脑来阐明脑疾病的分子生物学是一种符合萨顿定律的策略。Ehringer 和 Hornykiewicz 的工作发现帕金森病患者死后大脑纹状体中的多巴胺减少 (2),这充分证明了这种策略的智慧。它为使用左旋多巴(多巴胺的代谢前体)治疗帕金森病铺平了道路 (3)。尽管这些发现对神经病学具有戏剧性的影响,但它对精神分裂症的早期死后脑研究产生了重大影响,该研究主要关注单胺及其受体 (4-6)。虽然这种方法在帕金森病方面的巨大成功尚未在精神疾病中得到匹配,但精神分裂症的死后大脑研究已经推进了人类基因组计划(7,8)和精神病学基因组学联盟(9)的进步所推动的许多新假设。虽然与精神分裂症风险变异相关的研究涉及数百个死后大脑(10,11),但较小的细胞水平研究补充了这种方法,如Dienel等人的一篇文章中所引用的那样。在本期(12)中,题为“精神分裂症中前额叶皮质GABA神经元改变的性质:在不缺失神经元的情况下显着降低生长抑素和小白蛋白基因表达”。




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