
Ingredients on fire


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It's a good litmus test of how things are returning to some kind of normal, when one heads to a trade show and the aisles are busy with visitors. It must have been a balm to the organisers, Informa, to see one of its flagship expositions back up and running in a new venue in Paris. This time, it was to the southwest in Paris Expo de la Porte de Versailles. As a site, it was certainly an easier undertaking and featured newer surroundings than the previous setting of Villepinte in Saint-Denis. Prinova was there in hall four with PlantGuard, which is a natural preservative for hindering microbial spoilage and extending shelf life for products. It can be used across multiple applications and only needs low doses to be effective, the company says. It is particularly effective against the formation of gram-positive bacteria, which is more prevalent in juices and dairy, but is also somewhat effective against some gram-negative bacteria, yeasts and moulds, noted Chloe Downs, the technical account manager for the UK Ireland at Prinova. It offers a neutral taste, is non-GMO, heat stable, and can be used for a clean label on products.
机译:这是一个很好的试金石,当人们前往贸易展时,过道上挤满了游客,事情是如何恢复正常的。对于组织者Informa来说,看到其旗舰博览会之一在巴黎的新场地恢复运行,一定是一剂良药。这一次,它是在巴黎凡尔赛门博览会的西南部。作为一个场地,这当然是一项更容易的工作,并且比圣但尼维勒班特以前的环境更新。Prinova 在四号展厅展出了 PlantGuard,这是一种天然防腐剂,可防止微生物腐败并延长产品的保质期。该公司表示,它可以用于多种应用,只需要低剂量即可有效。它对革兰氏阳性菌的形成特别有效,革兰氏阳性菌在果汁和乳制品中更为普遍,但对一些革兰氏阴性菌、酵母菌和霉菌也有些有效,Prinova英国和爱尔兰技术客户经理Chloe Downs指出。它提供中性味道,非转基因,热稳定,可用于产品的清洁标签。




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