
A growing Meadow


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Meadow is a food ingredients business specialising in milk, fats, confectionery, plant and fresh produce, and it has seen rapid growth recently. It is now a £550 million-plus business, with five different ingredient divisions and multi-site operations. Its growth has been driven by a culture with a very high customer service offering, and constant customer focus, says Raj Tugnait. Dairy Industries International caught up with him at the start of his second year at the head of the business. Q. What in your background prepared you for your current role? My career has been all about food for over 30 years. I started in the food industry working for an entrepreneurial family-owned company. I then joined Brakes, which is Europe's largest foodservice business, where I spent 23 years under two private equity ownerships, until it was sold to Sysco, a global foodservice business. It showed me all kinds of ownership models and how to sustainably deliver rapid growth. I had my first role as MD in my early 30s, and have led businesses since then.
机译:Meadow是一家食品配料企业,专门从事牛奶、脂肪、糖果、植物和新鲜农产品,最近增长迅速。它现在是一家价值超过5.5亿英镑的企业,拥有五个不同的原料部门和多站点运营。Raj Tugnait 说,它的增长是由一种文化推动的,这种文化具有非常高的客户服务水平,并始终以客户为中心。Dairy Industries International 在他担任业务负责人的第二年开始时赶上了他。Q.在你的背景中,你为现在的职位做好了哪些准备?30 多年来,我的职业生涯一直与食物有关。我最初在食品行业工作,在一家创业型家族企业工作。然后,我加入了欧洲最大的餐饮服务企业 Brakes,在那里我花了 23 年的时间拥有两个私募股权,直到它被出售给全球餐饮服务企业 Sysco。它向我展示了各种所有权模式以及如何可持续地实现快速增长。我在 30 岁出头时担任了第一个角色,从那时起就开始领导企业。




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