首页> 外文期刊>Computational intelligence and neuroscience >Location Mechanism and Perception Scheme of Remote Transmission Equipment Layout in Smart Water

Location Mechanism and Perception Scheme of Remote Transmission Equipment Layout in Smart Water


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Whether the traditional water equipment is equipped with remote transmission unit depends on whether the power consumption of the installed equipment can meet the expected life cycle. In the paper, by using intelligent strategies to save the power consumption of sending data, more sites can be selected to install remote transmitting units. In the process of transmitting data packet sequence, the remote transmission device needs to perceive the environment, interact with the environment and make decisions, and adjust the strategy according to the effect of the decision actions. Therefore, in this paper, the transmission process is modeled as Markov sequence decision model. And the real time signal interference noise ratio of the channel and the transmission delay of the data packet are denned as the state space. The decision action space consists of immediate transmission and delayed one, and the minimum total power consumption is taken as the objective function. The model is solved by Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) algorithm, and the optimal decision sequence of site selection threshold is obtained.




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