首页> 外文期刊>Journal of South American earth sciences >New and revised paleomagnetic data from the southern central andes: Testing tectonic rotations

New and revised paleomagnetic data from the southern central andes: Testing tectonic rotations


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A paleomagnetic study performed in Plio-Pleistocene volcanic rocks of two localities in the Southern Central Andes is presented. The region corresponds to the transition zone between the Central and the Patagonian Andes. In the latter, deformation is almost exclusively controlled by the dextral-strike slip Liquin tilde e-Ofqui Fault Zone, that extends from-47 degrees S to-38 degrees S and accommodates the deformation generated by the oblique subduction of the Nazca Plate below South America. To the north of-36 degrees S, deformation is mainly contractional. Our study was carried out in the transition zone between both tectonic regimes. Sampling consisted of 31 paleomagnetic sites distributed in two localities: the Loncopue acute accent (-38.0 degrees S, 70.7 degrees W) and Andacollo (-37.2 degrees S, 70.8 degrees W) areas. We sampled Pliocene and Pleistocene volcanic rocks with ages younger than 5 Ma. After stepwise demagnetization and principal component analysis, site mean remanence directions were computed. Both localities show non-significant clockwise rotations of 1.7 degrees +/- 14.4 degrees (Loncopue acute accent ) and 8.1 degrees +/- 8.4 degrees (Andacollo). Although the pres-ently available database does not support significant tectonic rotation of the Andacollo lavas, preliminary results obtained from upper Miocene volcanics in a nearby area indicating-20 degrees of clockwise rotation, encourage further studies to improve the resolution of the paleomagnetic data to determine if crustal block rotations have been, or still are, part of the Andean deformational processes. A revision of previously published paleomagnetic data in the northern Patagonian Andes suggests that, against original claims, no significant tectonic rotations associated to the Liquin tilde e-Ofqui Fault Zone, between-39 and 37.5 degrees S, can be unambiguously demonstrated.
机译:介绍了在安第斯山脉中南部两个地方的上更新世火山岩中进行的古地磁研究。该地区对应于中部和巴塔哥尼亚安第斯山脉之间的过渡带。在后者中,变形几乎完全由右旋走向滑移Liquin tilde e-Ofqui断层带控制,该断层带从南纬-47度延伸到南纬-38度,并适应了南美洲以下纳斯卡板块斜俯冲产生的变形。在南纬-36度以北,变形主要是收缩的。我们的研究是在两个构造体系之间的过渡带进行的。采样包括分布在两个地点的31个古地磁地点:Loncopue急性口音(-38.0度,西经70.7度)和安达科洛(-37.2度,西经70.8度)地区。我们对年龄小于5马的上新世和更新世火山岩进行了采样。经过逐步退磁和主成分分析,计算了场地平均剩磁方向。这两个地方都显示出 1.7 度 +/- 14.4 度(Loncopue 急性重音)和 8.1 度 +/- 8.4 度(Andacollo)的无明显顺时针旋转。虽然现有数据库不支持安达科洛熔岩的显着构造旋转,但从附近地区的上中新世火山岩中获得的初步结果表明顺时针旋转20度,鼓励进一步研究以提高古地磁数据的分辨率,以确定地壳块体旋转是否曾经是或仍然是安第斯变形过程的一部分。对巴塔哥尼亚安第斯山脉北部先前发表的古地磁数据的修订表明,与最初的说法相反,无法明确证明与南纬-39度至37.5度之间的Liquin tilde e-Ofqui断层带相关的重大构造旋转。




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