首页> 外文期刊>Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety >Identifying frequent drug combinations associated with delirium in older adults: Application of association rules method to a case-time-control design

Identifying frequent drug combinations associated with delirium in older adults: Application of association rules method to a case-time-control design


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Background: Older adults are at an increased risk of delirium because of age, poly-pharmacy, multiple comorbidities, frailty, and acute illness. Although medication-induced delirium in older adults is well understood, limited population-level evidence is available, particularly on combinations of medications associated with delirium in older adults.Objectives: We aimed to apply association rule analysis to identify drug combinations contributing to delirium risk in adults aged 65 and older using a case-time-control design.Method: We sourced a nationwide representative sample of New Zealander's aged >65 years from the pharmaceutical collections and hospital discharge information. Prescription records (2005-2015) were obtained from New Zealand pharmaceutical collections (Pharms). Medication exposures were coded as binary variables (exposed vs. not exposed) at the individual drug level. All medications, including antimicrobials, antihistamines, diuretics, opioids, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications, were considered drugs of interest. The first-time coded diagnosis of delirium was extracted from the National Minimal Dataset (NMDS). A unique patient identifier linked the prescription dataset to the event dataset to set up a case-time-control cohort, indexed at the first delirium event. Association rules were then applied to identify frequent drug combinations in the case and the control periods (1-day with a 35-day washout period) that are statistically associated with delirium, and the association was tested by computing a time-trend adjusted matched odds-ratio (MOR) and its 95 confidence interval (Cl).Results: We identified 28 503 individuals (mean age 84.1 years) from 2005 to 2015 with delirium. Our combined association rule and case-time-control analysis identified several drug classes, including antipsychotics, benzodiazepines, opioids, and diuretics associated with delirium. Our analysis also identified frequently used drug combinations that are associated with delirium. Examples include combined exposures to quetiapine and furosemide (MOR = 6.17; 95CI = 2.05-18.54), haloperi-dol (MOR = 4.81; 95CI = 3.16-6.69), combined exposures to furosemide, omeprazole, and lorazepam (MOR = 3.94; 95CI = 3.03-5.10), and fentanyl exposure (MOR = 3.46; 95CI 2.05-9.21).Conclusion: The association rule method applied to a case-time-control design is a novel approach to identifying drug combinations contributing to delirium with adjustment for any temporal trends in exposures. The study provides new insight into the combination of medicines linked to delirium.
机译:背景:由于年龄、多药治疗、多种合并症、虚弱和急性疾病,老年人患谵妄的风险增加。尽管药物诱发的老年人谵妄已广为人知,但人群水平的证据有限,特别是关于老年人谵妄相关药物的联合用药。目的: 我们旨在应用关联规则分析,使用病例时间对照设计来识别导致 65 岁及以上成年人谵妄风险的药物组合。方法:我们从药品收集和出院信息中获取了全国代表性的新西兰人>65岁样本。处方记录(2005-2015年)来自新西兰药品收藏(Pharms)。药物暴露被编码为个体药物水平的二元变量(暴露与未暴露)。所有药物,包括抗菌剂、抗组胺药、利尿剂、阿片类药物和非甾体抗炎药,都被认为是感兴趣的药物。谵妄的首次编码诊断是从国家最小数据集 (NMDS) 中提取的。唯一的患者标识符将处方数据集链接到事件数据集,以建立一个病例时间对照队列,在第一次谵妄事件时进行索引。然后应用关联规则来识别病例和对照期(1 天,清除期 35 天)中与谵妄有统计学相关性的常见药物组合,并通过计算时间趋势调整后的匹配比值比 (MOR) 及其 95% 置信区间 (Cl) 来检验关联。结果:从2005年到2015年,我们发现了28 503例谵妄患者(平均年龄84.1岁)。我们的联合关联规则和病例时间对照分析确定了几种药物类别,包括与谵妄相关的抗精神病药、苯二氮卓类药物、阿片类药物和利尿剂。我们的分析还确定了与谵妄相关的常用药物组合。例如,喹硫平和呋塞米联合暴露(MOR = 6.17;95%CI = [2.05-18.54])、氟哌立多(MOR = 4.81;95%CI = [3.16-6.69])、呋塞米、奥美拉唑和劳拉西泮联合暴露(MOR = 3.94;95%CI = [3.03-5.10])和芬太尼暴露(MOR=3.46;95%CI [2.05-9.21])。结论:应用于病例时间对照设计的关联规则方法是一种识别导致谵妄的药物组合的新方法,并针对暴露的任何时间趋势进行调整。该研究为与谵妄相关的药物组合提供了新的见解。




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