首页> 外文期刊>Computational intelligence and neuroscience >Assessing the Impact of Continuous Vaccination and Voluntary Isolation on the Dynamics of COVID-19: A Mathematical Optimal Control of SEIR Epidemic Model

Assessing the Impact of Continuous Vaccination and Voluntary Isolation on the Dynamics of COVID-19: A Mathematical Optimal Control of SEIR Epidemic Model

机译:评估持续疫苗接种和自愿隔离对 COVID-19 动态的影响:SEIR 流行模型的数学最优控制

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In order to study the impact of continuous vaccination and voluntary isolation for the COVID-19, a susceptible-exposed-infected-recovered-quarantine-vaccines (SEIR-QV) model is proposed. A basic regeneration number R_0 is denned to determine the extinction or persistence of the disease. We numerically analyze the impact of key parameters based on actual parameters of COVID-19, such as the vaccination rate, population importation rate, and natural (or causal) mortality transmission rate on the dynamics of disease transmission. Then we obtain sensitivity indices of some parameters on R_0 by sensitivity analysis. Finally, the stability of the system and the effectiveness of the optimal control strategy are verified by numerical simulation.




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