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Beware of Robbers and Saboteurs


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THE CLOAK-AND-DAGGER scenarios that swirl in the imagination when you hear of cyberattacks feel like new-world problems. But the first documented wireless hack occurred in 1903. Guglielmo Marconi, the Italian inventor and electrical engineer, was demonstrating his new wireless system, which he claimed could securely send messages over a long distance. To exhibit, Marconi planned to send a wireless message to a colleague who was giving a lecture 300 miles away at the Royal Institution in London. While the lecture was wrapping up, the wireless receiver sparked to life, and it appeared that Marconi's claim was true. Upon closer inspection, the Morse-code printer repeatedly printed out the word "Rats" followed by a limerick: "There was a young man from Italy, who diddled the public quite prettily." Marconi's secure system had been hacked.
机译:当你听到网络攻击时,在想象中旋转的斗篷和匕首场景感觉就像是新世界的问题。但第一次有记录的无线黑客攻击发生在 1903 年。意大利发明家和电气工程师古列尔莫·马可尼(Guglielmo Marconi)正在展示他的新无线系统,他声称该系统可以安全地远距离发送消息。为了展览,马可尼计划向300英里外的伦敦皇家学会(Royal Institution)演讲的一位同事发送无线信息。在讲座即将结束时,无线接收器焕发出勃勃生机,看来马可尼的说法是正确的。经过仔细检查,莫尔斯电码打印机反复打印出“老鼠”一词,然后是一首打油诗:“有一个来自意大利的年轻人,他非常漂亮地欺骗公众。马可尼的安全系统遭到黑客攻击。




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