首页> 外文期刊>Acta Palaeontologica Polonica >A new species of the 'condylarth' Hyopsodus from the middle Eocene of the Erlian Basin, Inner Mongolia, China, and its biostratigraphic implications

A new species of the 'condylarth' Hyopsodus from the middle Eocene of the Erlian Basin, Inner Mongolia, China, and its biostratigraphic implications


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The "condylarth" genus Hyopsodus is diverse and abundantly represented in Eocene mammalian faunas of North America. In contrast, fossil specimens of Hyopsodus are rather sparse in Eurasia. Only four species of Hyopsodus are known from Asia and two from Europe, as compared to the 18 species of Hyopsodus described from North America. Here, we report a new species of Hyopsodus, Hyopsodus arshantensis sp. nov., from the middle part of the Arshanto Formation in the Erlian Basin, Inner Mongolia, China. The holotype and only specimen of the new species, a right mandible with m1-m2, exhibits a unique combination of characters on m1-m2 not present in other species of Hyopsodus, including a moderately lophodont crown, a long trigonid without a paraconid, an obliquely aligned protolophid, an angle between the cristid obliqua and the posthypocristid slightly greater than 90 degrees, a midline position of the hypoconulid, and a relatively large entoconid. The m1-m2 morphology of H. arshantensis is intermediate between specimens of Hyopsodus from the Wasatchian and Uintan North American Land Mammal Ages (NALMA), and is comparable to that of Hyopsodus from the Bridgerian NALMA. Moreover, its relatively large size is near the size range present among the late Bridgerian species of Hyopsodus. Based on those similarities, in combination with a few fossil mammals from overlying layers, the middle part of the Arshanto Formation could be correlated in part to the late Bridgerian, and the upper part of the Arshanto Formation may bracket the time interval equivalent to the Bridgerian/Uintan boundary. That proposed correlation and somewhat different faunas recognized within the Arshanto Formation suggest that it may be necessary to subdivide the Arshantan Asian Land Mammal Age (ALMA) and/or redefine the Arshantan/Irdinmanhan ALMA boundary in future comprehensive studies.
机译:“髁突”属 Hyopsodus 是多种多样的,在北美始新世哺乳动物群中占有丰富多彩的斑点。相比之下,在欧亚大陆,Hyopsodus的化石标本相当稀少。与北美描述的 18 种 Hyopodus 相比,亚洲已知的 Hyopodus 只有 4 种,欧洲已知 2 种。本文报道了来自内蒙古二连盆地阿山托组中部的蜥蜴新种蜥蜴(Hyopsodus arshantensis sp. nov.)。新物种的全型和唯一标本,具有 m1-m2 的右下颌骨,在 m1-m2 上表现出其他 Hyopsodus 物种所不具备的独特特征组合,包括中等程度的 lophodont 冠、没有副圆锥的长三角形、斜排列的原齿、嵴斜和后斜斜翼之间的角度略大于 90 度, 下圆锥体的中线位置,以及相对较大的内圆锥体。H. arshantensis的m1-m2形态介于Wasatchian和Uintan北美陆地哺乳动物时代(NALMA)的Hyopsodus标本之间,与Bridgerian NALMA的Hyopsodus相当。此外,其相对较大的体型接近于晚期布里奇里亚物种Hyopsodus中存在的大小范围。基于这些相似性,结合上覆地层的少数哺乳动物化石,Arshanto组的中部可能与晚Bridgerian相关,而Arshanto组的上部可能与Bridgerian/Uintan边界的时间间隔相当。这种拟议的相关性和在Arshanto组中发现的有些不同的动物群表明,在未来的综合研究中,可能有必要细分Arshantan亚洲陆地哺乳动物年龄(ALMA)和/或重新定义Arshantan/Irdinmanhan ALMA边界。




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