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A selection of historical paint references


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Over the last 100 years one of the most widely used items of equipment used in the dispersion of powders into paint were ball and pebble mills.Due to improvements in the dispersibility of the most common pigments and extenders ball and pebble mills have fallen out of favour,with high-speed dispersers now being the dispersion equipment of choice.Many modern paint factories no longer have a ball and/or pebble mill available.Ball and pebble mills still have a place in the modern paint factory,particularly if the smaller particle size pigments such as carbon black or organic pigments are to be dispersed.The van der Waals force binding the agglomerates of nano particle sized organic pigments cannot be separated by a high-speed disperser.Greater shear,such as that obtained by a ball or pebble mill,is required to break apart these agglomerates.
机译:在过去的 100 年中,用于将粉末分散到油漆中的最广泛使用的设备之一是球磨机和鹅卵石磨机。由于最常见颜料和填充剂的分散性得到改善,球磨机和卵石磨机已经不再受欢迎,高速分散机现在是首选的分散设备。许多现代油漆厂不再有球磨机和/或鹅卵石磨机。球磨机和鹅卵石磨机在现代油漆厂中仍然占有一席之地,特别是如果要分散较小粒径的颜料,如炭黑或有机颜料。束缚纳米粒径有机颜料团聚体的范德华力不能被高速分散机分离。需要更大的剪切力,例如球磨机或卵石磨机获得的剪切力,才能分解这些团聚物。




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