首页> 外文期刊>Journal of analytical & applied pyrolysis >Formation and regulation of environmentally persistent free radicals in biochar and removal of diethyl-phthalate in water

Formation and regulation of environmentally persistent free radicals in biochar and removal of diethyl-phthalate in water


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Biochar contains environmentally persistent free radicals (EPFRs), a class of pollutants whose regulation and influencing factors need to be studied. In this study, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) signals were observed for biochar samples obtained by the pyrolysis of wheat straw, corn straw, peanut shell, and cotton stalk. The effects of pyrolysis temperature, residence time, and alkali/alkaline earth metals (AAEMs) on EPFRs in biochar were investigated. The adsorption effect of diethyl phthalate (DEP) on biochar obtained from the py-rolysis of wheat straw impregnated with K, Na, Ca, and Mg was also studied. The concentration of EPFRs increased first and then decreased upon increasing the pyrolysis temperature within the rage of 300-700 celcius, conforming to a Gaussian fit. Residence time experiments showed that the concentration of EPFRs was the highest at a residence time of 10 min. The effect of AAEMs on the EPFRs concentration followed the order Mg > K > Ca > Na due to the catalysis of a secondary reaction. Because of hole-filling and electrostatic attraction, biochar obtained by pyrolysis of wheat straw impregnated with MgCl2 (WSMg) had the highest DEP removal rate of 95.969. DEP removal efficiency of the five adsorbents followed the order WSMg > WSCa (88.701) > WS (68.867) > WSNa (53.852) > WSK (50.845). Hydroxyl radicals (center dot OH) signals were detected in these five adsorption systems, showing that EPFRs could activated H2O2 to produce center dot OH. However, the five center dot OH signals had similar intensities, indicating that AAEMs had not significantly effects on the process of activation of H2O2 to produce center dot OH by EPFRs. The results of this study are of great significance for understanding the formation and regulation of EPFRs and the utilization of biochar.
机译:生物炭含有环境持久性自由基 (EPFR),这是一类需要研究其调节和影响因素的污染物。本研究对小麦秸秆、玉米秸秆、花生壳和棉秆热解得到的生物炭样品观察到电子顺磁共振(EPR)信号。研究了热解温度、停留时间和碱/碱土金属(AAEMs)对生物炭中EPFRs的影响。还研究了邻苯二甲酸二乙酯(DEP)对浸渍K、Na、Ca和Mg的小麦秸秆热解所得生物炭的吸附效果。在300-700°C范围内,热解温度升高后EPFRs浓度先升高后降低,符合高斯拟合。停留时间实验表明,EPFRs的浓度在停留时间为10 min时最高。由于二次反应的催化,AAEMs对EPFRs浓度的影响遵循Mg>K>Ca>Na的顺序。由于填孔和静电吸引,浸渍MgCl2(WSMg)的麦秸热解得到的生物炭DEP去除率最高,为95.969%。5种吸附剂的DEP去除效率依次为WSMg>WSCa(88.701%)>WS(68.867%)>WSNa(53.852%)>WSK(50.845%)。在这5个吸附体系中检测到羟基自由基(中心点OH)信号,表明EPFRs可以活化H2O2产生中心点OH。然而,5个中心点OH信号具有相似的强度,表明AAEMs对EPFRs活化H2O2产生中心点OH的过程没有显著影响。本研究结果对理解EPFRs的形成和调控以及生物炭的利用具有重要意义。




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