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Drop Tower Physics II

机译:Drop Tower 物理 II

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Drop Tower Physics (DTP) is composed of a set of experiments using standard physics lecture demonstration equipment, such as a pendulum, mass spring oscillator, and so forth, while videotaping them as they fall freely in the Dryden Drop Tower in Portland, OR. An article published in The Physics Teacher illustrated the behavior of a floating cork ball, a ball rotating inside a bowl, and a conical pendulum as their behavior changes as the acceleration due to gravity artificially transitions to zero in the non-inertial frame of reference in the drop box. This second paper is a result of dropping a mass spring oscillator, gyroscope, and chaotic pendulum. These experiments and their physical explanations are so interesting, surprising, and useful for classroom activities and discussions that they are all posted for your use on the “Drop Tower Physics” YouTube channel. Ask your students how these examples in the videos will behave when “g” transitions to zero. They will light up with excitement, ponder the possible theoretical outcomes, test those predictions with their knowledge of fundamental physics laws and principles, and then be delighted or intrigued when their prediction is correct or drastically wrong when viewing the experimental aspect of DTP videos. There are many experimental examples and explanations in the videos, but because the mass spring oscillator, the gyroscope, and the chaotic pendulum are very rich in physics theory, these explanations are given below in greater detail.
机译:落塔物理 (DTP) 由一组实验组成,使用标准物理讲座演示设备,例如钟摆、质量弹簧振荡器等,同时对它们在俄勒冈州波特兰的德莱顿落塔中自由落下时进行录像。发表在《物理老师》上的一篇文章说明了漂浮的软木球、在碗内旋转的球和锥形摆的行为,因为它们的行为随着重力加速度在投递箱的非惯性参考系中人为地过渡到零而变化。这第二篇论文是放下质量弹簧振荡器、陀螺仪和混沌钟摆的结果。这些实验及其物理解释非常有趣、令人惊讶,并且对课堂活动和讨论非常有用,以至于它们都发布在“Drop Tower Physics”YouTube 频道上供您使用。询问学生,当“g”过渡到零时,视频中的这些示例将如何表现。他们会兴奋地思考可能的理论结果,用他们对基本物理定律和原理的了解来测试这些预测,然后在观看 DTP 视频的实验方面时,当他们的预测正确或严重错误时,他们会感到高兴或好奇。视频中有许多实验示例和解释,但由于质量弹簧振荡器、陀螺仪和混沌钟摆的物理理论非常丰富,因此下面将更详细地给出这些解释。




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