首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Hydrology >Analysis of uncertainty and non-stationarity in probable maximum precipitation in Brazos River basin

Analysis of uncertainty and non-stationarity in probable maximum precipitation in Brazos River basin


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Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP) is used for designing major hydraulic structures, such as dams and reservoirs, nuclear power plants, and flood protection works. However, the estimated PMP values are associated with uncertainties that have received significant attention in recent years, partly because hydrologic extremes are projected to become more frequent, severe, and uncertain with non-stationarity and natural climate variability. This study compared four methods of estimating PMP, ranging from hydrometeorological to statistical,including up-to-date grid based and site-specific in the Brazos River basin (BRB). BRB is the largest river basin in Texas and it contains a range of climates from subtropical arid to subtropical humid. The objective of this study was to quantify the uncertainty associated with PMP estimation in terms of change in the PMP value and emphasize the necessity of including the effect of non-stationarity on PMP. The uncertainty analysis incorporates the effect of three sources of error: (1) PMP estimation method, (2) topography, and (3) non-stationarity. The contribution of each of the uncertainty sources to the 24-hour PMP estimation was quantified and found to be as 53.5 (selection of method), 31.4 (effect of non-stationarity), and 15.1 (effect of topography). The uncertainty of PMP estimation was more sensitive to the existing observation statistics and the selection of method than to the differences between climate zones. Results showed an overall significant increase in 24-hour record precipitation (+19.5 mm) and PMP (+22.3 mm) in BRB between two historical periods 1940-1976 and 1977-2013. Thus, it is concluded that extreme precipitation in BRB showed non-stationarity which affected PMP shift during the historical period.
机译:可能最大降水量 (PMP) 用于设计主要水工结构,例如水坝和水库、核电站和防洪工程。然而,估计的PMP值与近年来受到广泛关注的不确定性有关,部分原因是预计极端水文将变得更加频繁、严重和不确定,并伴有非平稳性和自然气候变率。本研究比较了布拉索斯河流域(BRB)从水文气象到统计的4种PMP估算方法,包括基于网格的最新方法和特定地点的方法。BRB是德克萨斯州最大的河流流域,它包含从亚热带干旱到亚热带湿润的一系列气候。本研究的目的是根据 PMP 值的变化量化与 PMP 估计相关的不确定性,并强调包括非平稳性对 PMP 影响的必要性。不确定性分析结合了三个误差源的影响:(1)PMP估计方法,(2)形貌和(3)非平稳性。量化了各不确定性源对24小时PMP估计的贡献,发现其贡献分别为53.5%(方法选择)、31.4%(非平稳性影响)和15.1%(地形影响)。PMP估计的不确定性对现有观测统计量和方法选择的敏感性高于对气候区间差异的敏感性。结果显示,在1940-1976年和1977-2013年两个历史时期之间,BRB的24小时记录降水量(+19.5 mm)和PMP(+22.3 mm)总体显著增加。因此,BRB的极端降水表现出非平稳性,影响了历史时期的PMP变化。




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