首页> 外文期刊>Clays and clay minerals >Genesis of Smectites associated with a Coal Seams Succession in the Neogene Orhaneli and Keles Coal Deposits (Bursa), NW Turkey

Genesis of Smectites associated with a Coal Seams Succession in the Neogene Orhaneli and Keles Coal Deposits (Bursa), NW Turkey


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The Bursa-Orhaneli and Keles-Harmanalan coal deposits were developed in swampy and fluvial-lacustrine environments in western Anatolia under the E-W-trending graben zone during the Neogene. The present study aimed to determine the mineralogical and geo-chemical properties of clays interlayering the coal seams to define the origin of clay minerals, in particular, smectite. These deposits, comprising argillaceous sediment, marl, coal seam, mudstone, organic-rich shale, and sandstone, were deposited in a lacustrine environment accompanied by volcanogenic materials. The characteristics of sediments and their parent rocks were examined using X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive spectroscopy, palynology, and chemical analyses. The association of abundant smectite with quartz, amphibole, accessory chlorite, and a decrease in feldspar in fluvial-lacustrine sediments compared to those in the smectite accompanied by feldspar and volcanic glass and the absence of quartz and amphibole in the pyroclas-tic units suggest that smectite had detrital and authigenic origins. Flaky smectite shows either detrital, irregularly outlined coating and filling pores of terrigenous sediments or in situ precipitation edging resorbed feldspar and devitrified volcanic glass. Chemical analyses of the smectite-rich fraction show montmorillonite compositions with an average structural formula of: (Cao_(0.42)Na_(0.25)K_(0.08))(Al_(2.76) Fe_(0.47)Mg_(().59)Ti_(0.07)Mn_(0.002))(Si_(7.65)A1_(0.35))O_(20()OH)_4, The positive correlation of A1_2O_3 vs. TiO_2 and K_2O vs. Rb may be related to the abundant detrital input. Feldspar and biotite were replaced by illite during diagenesis. An increase in the Ni/Co and V/(V + Ni) ratios in the altered units also suggest oxic, suboxic to anoxic conditions, under the control of a dry, warm to subtropical climate in fresh water and lakes during the Late Eocene to Middle Miocene. The slight enrichment of light rare earth elements (LREE) compared to heavy rare earth elements (HREE) with positive Eu and positive/negative Ce anomalies reflect fractional crystallization of feldspar. The δ~(I8)O and 8D values of smectite and illite fractions and the wide range of δ~(34)S isotope values (-1.5 to 15‰) for pyrite and chalcopyrite associated with coal indicate a signature of both diagenetic and partial hydrothermal origin.
机译:Bursa-Orhaneli 和 Keles-Harmanalan 煤矿床发育于新近纪时期安纳托利亚西部的沼泽和河流湖相环境中,位于 E-W 走向的地堑带下。本研究旨在确定煤层间粘土的矿物学和地球化学性质,以确定粘土矿物,特别是蒙脱石的成因。这些沉积物包括泥质沉积物、泥灰岩、煤层、泥岩、富含有机物的页岩和砂岩,沉积在湖相环境中,并伴有火山成因物质。采用X射线衍射、扫描电子显微镜、能量色散光谱、古生物学和化学分析等手段对沉积物及其母岩的特征进行了研究。丰富的蒙脱石与石英、角闪石、伴生绿泥石的关联,以及河流-湖泊沉积物中长石的减少,与蒙脱石中的蒙脱石相比,伴随着长石和火山玻璃,并且在辉石系中没有石英和角闪石,这表明蒙脱石具有碎屑和自生起源。片状蒙脱石要么显示出陆相沉积物的碎屑、不规则轮廓的涂层和填充孔隙,要么显示出原位沉淀边缘的吸收长石和脱晶火山玻璃。对富含蒙脱石的部分进行化学分析显示蒙脱石成分,平均结构式为:(Cao_(0.42)Na_(0.25)K_(0.08))(Al_(2.76) Fe_(0.47)Mg_(().59)Ti_(0.07)Mn_(0.002))(Si_(7.65)A1_(0.35))O_(20()OH)_4, A1_2O_3与TiO_2、K_2O与Rb的正相关可能与丰富的碎屑输入有关。长石和黑云母在成岩作用中被伊利石取代。改变单元中Ni/Co和V/(V + Ni)比值的增加也表明,在晚始新世至中新世期间,在淡水和湖泊中干燥、温暖至亚热带气候的控制下,存在氧、超氧至缺氧条件。与具有正Eu和正/负Ce异常的重稀土元素(HREE)相比,轻稀土元素(LREE)的轻微富集反映了长石的结晶分数。δ~(I8)O 和 8D蒙脱石和伊利石组分的值以及与煤相关的黄铁矿和黄铜矿的宽范围 δ~(34)S 同位素值 (-1.5 至 15‰) 表明具有成岩和部分热液成因的特征。




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