首页> 外文期刊>Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America: AMA >Evaluating Effects of Post-Sowing Compaction and Sowing Speed on Soil Properties, Distribution of Seed Placement and Second Crop Maize Performance

Evaluating Effects of Post-Sowing Compaction and Sowing Speed on Soil Properties, Distribution of Seed Placement and Second Crop Maize Performance


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Planting and post-planting applications are important in soil physical properties, seed distribution, seedlings emergence and yield of maize (Zea mays L.). Main objective of this research was to evaluate the effects of field traffic and sowing speeds on soil physical properties, seedling emergence, sowing performance and crop yields for maize production. This two-year study was conducted on Igdir plain soils (clay Petrocambids) in the eastern region of the Turkey from 2014 to 2015. A tractor used for three different wheel traffic applications; no traffic (C0), one pass (C1) and two passes (C2) with three different sowing speed; 5.4 (V1), 7.2 (V2) and 10.8 ( V3) km.h(-1). The hypothesis of this work included that the field traffic would cause changing in soil physical properties that maize yields would be affected and also an increasing in sowing speed would affect the sowing quality. Results showed that penetration resistance value produced by C2 treatment was higher. The highest average green herbage yield and plant height values were found in 2015 the measurement for C2 treatments were 650.5 kg.ha(-1) and 2580 mm, respectively. Soil water content (42.71, 53.05, 55.35) and soil temperature (19.46 degrees C, 19.65 degrees C, 19.76 degrees C) increased with increase in C0, C1 and C2, respectively. Increase in sowing speed cause disturbance of uniformity of seed in seedbed. Seedlings emergence were positively affected by soil compaction but there was no statistically significance seed distribution and seed uniformity.
机译:种植和种植后应用对土壤物理性质、种子分布、出苗和玉米产量具有重要意义(Zea mays L.)。本研究的主要目的是评价田间交通和播种速度对玉米生产土壤物理性质、出苗、播种性能和作物产量的影响。这项为期两年的研究于2014年至2015年在土耳其东部地区的伊迪尔平原土壤(粘土Petrocambids)上进行。用于三种不同车轮交通应用的拖拉机;无流量(C0),一次通过(C1)和两次通过(C2),三种不同的播种速度;5.4 (V1), 7.2 (V2) 和 10.8 (V3) km.h(-1).这项工作的假设包括田间交通会导致土壤物理性质发生变化,影响玉米产量,播种速度的增加也会影响播种质量。结果表明,C2处理产生的抗穿透值较高。2015年平均绿草产量和株高值最高,C2处理的测量值分别为650.5 kg.ha(-1)和2580 mm。土壤含水量(42.71%、53.05%、55.35%)和土壤温度(19.46°C、19.65°C、19.76°C)分别随C0、C1和C2的增加而增加。播种速度的加快会干扰苗床中种子的均匀性。土壤板结对幼苗出苗有正向影响,但种子分布和种子均匀性无统计学意义。




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