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Market Outlook of Coconut Oil in 2020


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Global coconut production is estimated to decline in the CY 2020 as the harvest in the Philippines, Indonesia, and India is estimated to fall short of the year before. Philippines Statistics Authority reported that the production of coconut in the first half of 2020 went down by 3.4 percent as opposed to the same period of the previous year. During January-June 2020, coconut production in the Philippines was 6,405,709.79 tons coconuts (with husk) with Davao Region as the top producer in the country.Likewise, the Ministry of Agriculture of Indonesia estimated that Indonesia is expected to experience a shortfall in coconut production in CY 2020. The production is projected to lower by 1 from 2,828,167 tons in 2019 to 2,798,980 tons copra equivalentin 2020. Apart from the adverse effect of the COVID-19 pandemic, the decrease of coconut production is also attributed to dryness in the first half of 2020. Moreover, La Nina is also predicted to be a 70 chance to occur in the Pacific in 2020. It generally causes the trade winds to intensify, causing warm water to tightly confine around the maritime continent. This concentrates the moisture and fuels the formation of rain clouds that brings more rain to the Philippines and Indonesia. With high rainfall, coconut harvesting is affected, and farmers may also focus on other crops. In addition, transportation can be delayed due to poor local infrastructure. Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare of India reported coconut production in India eased by 0.3 from April 2019 to March 2020. Meanwhile, Coconut Research Institute (CRI) Sri Lanka forecasted coconut production in 2020 will level up to 392.7 million nuts. The production is 5.9 higher compared to the production in the previous year.
机译:据估计,2020 年全球椰子产量将下降,因为菲律宾、印度尼西亚和印度的收成估计低于前一年。菲律宾统计局报告称,2020年上半年椰子产量与上年同期相比下降了3.4%。2020 年 1 月至 6 月期间,菲律宾的椰子产量为 6,405,709.79 吨椰子(带壳),达沃地区是该国最大的生产国。同样,印度尼西亚农业部估计,预计印度尼西亚在2020年将出现椰子产量短缺。产量预计将从2019年的2,828,167吨下降1%至2020年的2,798,980吨椰干当量。除了 COVID-19 大流行的不利影响外,椰子产量的下降还归因于 2020 年上半年的干旱。此外,预计拉尼娜现象在2020年太平洋地区发生的可能性也将达到70%。它通常会导致信风增强,导致温暖的海水紧紧地限制在海洋大陆周围。这浓缩了水分并助长了雨云的形成,从而为菲律宾和印度尼西亚带来了更多的降雨。由于降雨量大,椰子收获受到影响,农民也可能专注于其他作物。此外,由于当地基础设施薄弱,交通可能会延误。印度农业和农民福利部报告称,从2019年4月到2020年3月,印度的椰子产量下降了0.3%。与此同时,斯里兰卡椰子研究所(CRI)预测,2020年的椰子产量将达到3.927亿颗。与上一年的产量相比,产量增加了5.9%。




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