首页> 外文期刊>Journal of pest science >Selecting aggressiveness to improve biological control agents efficiency

Selecting aggressiveness to improve biological control agents efficiency


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In agroecosystems, omnivorous predators are recognized as potential biological control agents because of the numerous pest species they prey on. Nonetheless, it could be possible to enhance their efficiency through artificial selection on traits of economical or ecological relevance. Aggressiveness, which defines the readiness of an individual to display agonistic actions toward other individuals, is expected to be related to zoophagy, diet preferences and to a higher attack rate. The study aimed to assess the aggressiveness degree of the damsel bug, Nabis americoferus, and to estimate its heritability. We hypothesized that a high aggressiveness degree can be selected, and that males are more aggressive than females. Using artificial selection, we reared two separate populations, each composed of nine genetically isolated lines characterized by their different aggressiveness degree (aggressive, docile and non-selected). After three generations, we had efficiently selected aggressive behavior. The realized heritability was 0.16 and 0.27 for aggressiveness and docility in the first population. It was 0.25 and 0.23 for the second population. Males were more aggressive than females only for the second population. The potential of these individuals as biological control agents and the ecological consequences of aggressiveness are discussed.
机译:在农业生态系统中,杂食性捕食者被认为是潜在的生物控制剂,因为它们捕食的害虫种类众多。尽管如此,还是有可能通过对具有经济或生态相关性的性状进行人工选择来提高其效率。攻击性定义了个体对其他个体表现出激动行为的准备程度,预计与动物自噬、饮食偏好和更高的攻击率有关。该研究旨在评估少女虫 Nabis americoferus 的攻击性程度,并估计其遗传力。我们假设可以选择高攻击性程度,并且男性比女性更具攻击性。使用人工选择,我们饲养了两个独立的种群,每个种群由九个遗传分离的品系组成,其特征是具有不同的攻击性程度(攻击性、温顺和非选择性)。经过三代人,我们有效地选择了攻击性行为。在第一群体中,攻击性和温顺性的实际遗传力分别为 0.16 和 0.27。第二个群体分别为 0.25 和 0.23。仅在第二种群中,雄性比雌性更具攻击性。讨论了这些个体作为生物控制剂的潜力以及攻击性的生态后果。




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