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Linear bounds for constants in Gromov's systolic inequality and related results


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Gromov's systolic inequality asserts that the length, sys_1(M~n), of the shortest noncontractible curve in a closed essential Riemannian manifold M~n does not exceed c(n) vol~(1/n)(M~n) for some constant c(n). (Essential manifolds is a class of non-simply connected manifolds that includes all non-simply connected closed surfaces, tori and projective spaces.) Here we prove that all closed essential Riemannian manifolds satisfy sys_1(M~n) ≤ n vol~(1/n) (M~n). (The best previously known upper bound for c(n) was exponential in n.) We similarly improve a number of related inequalities. We also give a qualitative strengthening of Guth's theorem (2011, 2017) asserting that if volumes of all metric balls of radius r in a closed Riemannian manifold M~n do not exceed (r/c(n))~n, then the (n - 1)-dimensional Urysohn width of the manifold does not exceed r. In our version the assumption of Guth's theorem is relaxed to the assumption that for each x ∈ M~n there exists ρ(x) ∈ (0,r such that the volume of the metric ball B(x,ρ(x)) does not exceed (ρ(x)/c(n))~n, where one can take c(n) = 1/2n.
机译:格罗莫夫收缩不等式断言,对于某个常数 c(n),闭合基本黎曼流形 M~n 中最短的不可收缩曲线的长度 sys_1(M~n) 不超过 c(n) vol~(1/n)(M~n)。(基本流形是一类非简单连接流形,包括所有非简单连接的闭合曲面、tori 和投影空间。在这里,我们证明了所有闭合基本黎曼流形都满足 sys_1(M~n) ≤ n vol~(1/n) (M~n)。(以前已知的 c(n) 上限是以 n 为单位的指数。我们同样改善了一些相关的不平等现象。我们还对Guth定理(2011,2017)进行了定性强化,该定理断言,如果闭黎曼流形M~n中半径为r的所有度量球的体积不超过(r/c(n))~n,则流形的(n-1)维Urysohn宽度不超过r。在我们的版本中,Guth 定理的假设被放宽为假设,即对于每个 x ∈ M~n,存在 ρ(x) ∈ (0,r],使得公制球 B(x,ρ(x)) 的体积不超过 (ρ(x)/c(n))~n,其中可以取 c(n) = 1/2n。




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