首页> 外文期刊>Chemistry of Materials: A Publication of the American Chemistry Society >Engineering Cationic Hyperbranched Polyureas for Combating Bacterial Biofilms

Engineering Cationic Hyperbranched Polyureas for Combating Bacterial Biofilms


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Cationic hyperbranched polyureas are promising antibiotic alternatives in killing numerous strains of bacteria. However, their significance in fighting against biofilm and biofilm-associated chronic infections is still unknown. Here we synthesized and engineered the terminal branches of hyperbranched polyureas with a high density of quaternary ammonium groups (aBPUs@QA) and systematically investigated their efficacy in biofilm prevention and eradication. Results showed that aBPUs@QA could not only kill bacteria via punching holes in bacterial membranes but also inhibit the biofilm formation via regulating the bacterial surface attachment and interfering with the surface-associated motilities of bacteria. Moreover, aBPUs@QA showed a deep biofilm penetration capacity and a high potency of biofilm eradication, resulting in a high efficacy in promoting the healing of bacteria-infected chronic wounds.




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