首页> 外文期刊>Journal of dairy science >Suckling behavior of calves in seasonally calving pasture-based dairy systems, and possible environmental and management factors affecting suckling behaviors

Suckling behavior of calves in seasonally calving pasture-based dairy systems, and possible environmental and management factors affecting suckling behaviors


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© 2022 American Dairy Science AssociationIn recent years, interest has been increasing in whether farmed animals are able to live a reasonably natural life, with one particular area of concern being calf-dam separation. The objectives of this study were to monitor the timing and frequency of suckling behavior of calves left on pasture to suckle their dams for up to 24 h (interquartile range 4.0–15.5 h) and to investigate possible risk factors that may contribute to any variability seen. Over 2 yr, a convenience sample of 8 farms (4 in the North Island, 4 in the South Island of New Zealand) were involved in an observational study where cows and calves were observed for 24 h a day over a 2-wk-long period per farm. During the observation period, farmers continued to remove calves at the same frequency they normally did (which ranged from once a day to 4 times a day). Cows (between 2 and 12 yr old) and calves were observed from a scissor lift in or beside the calving paddock. Cows had numbers written on them, and observers used binoculars and spotlights. Observers recorded the length of stage 2 labor, time of birth, standing, and first suckling, number of suckling events, time of calf removal from the dam, temperature where the cows were grazing, and size of the grazing area they were calving in. Dams were body condition scored before calving, and their age was extracted from farm records. A total of 697 calves were observed during the study. A total of 444 of 697 calves 63.7; 95 confidence interval (CI) = 60.0–67.3 suckled in the calving paddock (farm range 40.0 to 90.2). Of the 444 calves that suckled in the calving paddock, 407 (58.4; 95 CI 54.6–62.1) suckled within the first 6 h after birth (farm range 33.0 to 83.6). Individual risk factors associated with the hazard rate ratio (HR) for time to first suckling event were time to standing (calves who took more than 1.3 h to stand had a longer time from birth to first suckle) and age of the dam compared with calves that were born from dams >7 years of age, calves born to dams that were 2–3 and 4–7 yr of age had a 1.49 (95 CI 1.07–2.06) and 1.19 (95 CI 0.89–1.60) HR, respectively, for time from birth to first suckle in the calving paddock. Farm risk factors associated with the HR of suckling were frequency of calf collection calves that were born on farms that collected calves once a day suckled earlier than calves on farms that removed calves more than once a day (HR 1.52; 95 CI 1.25–1.84) and temperature a minimum temperature of <10°C within 6 h of a calf being born was associated with a 0.69 (95 CI 0.53–0.89) hazard of suckling in the calving paddock. We observed very large farm variability that urgently requires further investigation if pasture-based farms are ever to adopt a system where calves remain with their dams for longer than 24 h.
机译:© 2022 年美国乳品科学协会近年来,人们对养殖动物是否能够过上合理自然的生活越来越感兴趣,其中一个特别值得关注的领域是犊牛与母牛的分离。本研究的目的是监测留在牧场上哺乳水坝长达 24 小时(四分位距 4.0-15.5 小时)的犊牛的哺乳行为的时间和频率,并调查可能导致任何变异性的可能风险因素。在2年多的时间里,对8个农场(北岛4个,新西兰南岛4个)的便利样本进行了一项观察性研究,在每个农场2周的时间内,每天观察奶牛和小牛24小时。在观察期间,养殖者继续以与平时相同的频率(从每天一次到每天 4 次)清除犊牛。奶牛(2 至 12 岁)和犊牛在产犊围场内或旁边的剪刀式升降机上观察。奶牛上写着数字,观察者使用双筒望远镜和聚光灯。观察者记录了第 2 阶段分娩的长度、出生时间、站立和第一次哺乳、哺乳事件的数量、从大坝中取出犊牛的时间、奶牛放牧的温度以及产犊区的大小。水坝在产犊前对身体状况进行评分,其年龄是从农场记录中提取的。在研究期间共观察到 697 头犊牛。697头犊牛中共有444头[63.7%;95%置信区间(CI)=60.0-67.3%]在产犊围场吸吮(农场范围40.0%-90.2%)。在产犊围场哺乳的444头犊牛中,407头(58.4%;95%CI 54.6-62.1%)在出生后6小时内哺乳(农场范围33.0%-83.6%)。与首次哺乳事件风险率比(HR)相关的个体危险因素是站立时间(站立时间超过1.3小时的犊牛从出生到第一次哺乳的时间更长)和母体年龄[与母体>7岁出生的犊牛相比,2-3岁和4-7岁母牛所生的犊牛的1.49(95%CI 1.07–2.06)和1.19(95%CI 0.89-1.60)HR,分别用于产犊围场从出生到第一次吸吮的时间]。与哺乳HR相关的猪场危险因素是犊牛收集频率[在每天收集一次犊牛的农场出生的犊牛比每天抽除犊牛一次以上的农场的犊牛更早吸吮(HR 1.52;95% CI 1.25-1.84)]和温度[犊牛出生后6小时内的最低温度为<10°C,与0.69(95%CI 0.53-0.89)的哺乳危险相关。产犊围场]。我们观察到非常大的农场差异,如果以牧场为基础的农场要采用犊牛在水坝上停留超过 24 小时的系统,迫切需要进一步调查。




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