首页> 外文期刊>Journal of hepato-biliary-pancreatic sciences >Impact of tumor size on the difficulty of laparoscopic left lateral sectionectomies

Impact of tumor size on the difficulty of laparoscopic left lateral sectionectomies

机译:Impact of tumor size on the difficulty of laparoscopic left lateral sectionectomies

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Abstract Background Tumor size (TS) represents a critical parameter in the risk assessment of laparoscopic liver resections (LLR). Moreover, TS has been rarely related to the extent of liver resection. The aim of this study was to study the relationship between tumor size and difficulty of laparoscopic left lateral sectionectomy (L‐LLS). Methods The impact of TS cutoffs was investigated by stratifying tumor size at each 10?mm‐interval. The optimal cutoffs were chosen taking into consideration the number of endpoints which show a statistically significant split around the cut‐points of interest and the magnitude of relative risk after correction for multiple risk factors. Results A total of 1910?L‐LLS were included. Overall, open conversion and intraoperative blood transfusion were 3.1 and 3.3%, respectively. The major morbidity rate was 2.7% and 90‐days mortality 0.6%. Three optimal TS cutoffs were identified: 40‐, 70‐, and 100‐mm. All the selected cutoffs showed a significant discriminative power for the prediction of open conversion, operative time, blood transfusion and need of Pringle maneuver. Moreover, 70‐ and 100‐mm cutoffs were both discriminative for estimated blood loss and major complications. A stepwise increase in rates of open conversion rate (Z?=?3.90, P?




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