首页> 外文期刊>Advanced Optical Materials >Ultrastrong Coupling of Band-Nested Excitons in Few-Layer Molybdenum Disulphide

Ultrastrong Coupling of Band-Nested Excitons in Few-Layer Molybdenum Disulphide


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The 2D transition-metal dichalcogenides (2D TMDCs) are an intriguingplatform for studying strong light–matter interactions because they combinethe electronic properties of conventional semiconductors with the opticalresonances found in organic systems. However, the coupling strengthsdemonstrated in strong exciton–polariton coupling in the 2D TMDCs remainmuch lower than those found in organic systems. In this paper, a newapproach is taken by utilizing the large oscillator strength of the above-bandgap C exciton in few-layer molybdenum disulphide (FL-MoS_2). A k-space Rabisplitting of 293 meV is shown when coupling FL-MoS_2 C excitons to surfaceplasmon polaritons at room temperature. This value is 11 of the uncoupledexciton energy (2.67 eV or 464 nm), ≈2× what is typically seen in the TMDCs,placing the system in the ultrastrong coupling regime. The results take astep toward finally achieving the efficient quantum coherent processes ofultrastrong coupling in a CMOS-compatible system—the 2D TMDCs—in thevisible spectrum.
机译:二维过渡金属硫族化合物(2D TMDC)是研究强光-物质相互作用的有趣平台,因为它们将传统半导体的电子特性与有机系统中的光学共振相结合。然而,在二维TMDCs中,强激子-极化激元耦合所表现出的耦合强度仍然远低于有机系统中的耦合强度。本文利用少层二硫化钼(FL-MoS_2)中带上C激子的大振子强度,提出了一种新的方法。在室温下将FL-MoS_2 C激子耦合到表面等离子体激元时,显示了293 meV的k空间Rabi分裂。该值是非耦合激子能量(2.67 eV 或 464 nm)的 11%,≈2× TMDC 中常见的值,使系统处于超强耦合状态。这些结果朝着最终在可见光谱中的CMOS兼容系统(2D TMDC)中实现超强耦合的高效量子相干过程迈出了一步。




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