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Impact of integrated nutrient management on soil properties and plant nutrient uptake in summer maize (Zea mays)


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A field experiment was carried out at Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat during the year 2019 to study the post- harvest nutrient status of soil as affected by integrated nutrient management (INM)in summer maize. The experiment was laid-out in a randomized block design with nine treatments and replicated thrice. The soil of the experimental site was sandy loam in texture, acidic in reaction, medium in organic carbon (0.72), low in available N (156.19 kg/ha) and medium in available P_2O_5 (23.78 kg/ha) and K_2O (161.50 kg/ha). The maize seed of the variety VMH-53 was sown on 15~(th) of March (2019) and harvested by two pickings on 10~(th) June and 15~(th) June. Experimental findings revealed that the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium uptake were highest under the 100 RDF + Azospirillum + PSB + 2 sprays of vermiwash at 25 40 DAS which was at par with 75 RDF + 25 of N replaced by vermicompost + Azospirillum + PSB + 2 sprays of vermiwash at 25 40 DAS (T_6). However, the nutrient status of the soil did not differ significantly due to different INM practices, the available nutrient status decreased as compared to initial status.
机译:2019 年,乔哈特阿萨姆邦农业大学进行了田间试验,研究了受综合养分管理 (INM) 影响的夏玉米土壤收获后养分状况。该实验采用随机区组设计,有九种处理,并重复了三次。试验地土壤质地为沙壤土,反应呈酸性,有机碳含量中等(0.72),速效氮含量低(156.19 kg/hm2),速效P_2O_5(23.78 kg/hm2)和K_2O(161.50 kg/hm2)中等。VMH-53品种的玉米种子于2019年3月15~日播种,6月10~日和6月15日~(日)两次采摘。实验结果表明,在25和40 DAS下,100% RDF + 偶氮螺菌+ PSB + 2次蚯蚓喷洒下氮、磷和钾的吸收量最高,与75% RDF + 25%氮相当,在25和40 DAS时,75%RDF + 25%的氮被蚯蚓粪+偶氮螺菌+ PSB + 2次蚯蚓喷洒所取代(T_6)。然而,由于INM实践的不同,土壤的养分状况没有显着差异,与初始状态相比,有效养分状况有所下降。




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