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Nutritional assessment in the HIV-infected older population receiving antiretroviral therapy

机译:Nutritional assessment in the HIV-infected older population receiving antiretroviral therapy

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Malnutrition is a pronounced public health issue which often seems underestimated in the older people living with HIV (PLWH) virus infection. PLWH are highly vulnerable to nutritional problems resulting from agingrelated deterioration, disease itself, and adverse effects of antiretroviral therapy (ART). The comprehensive nutritional assessments are necessary to perform routinely in this population to monitor and provide appropriate interventions to reduce comorbid conditions. In this review, we focus on the untoward impacts of malnutrition and nutritional assessments on the morbidity and mortality in the older PLWH. Some predictive factors of nutritional status in this group of patients are discussed. We propose the important components for nutrition assessment tool for older PLWH on ART. Highlighted issue is the need for developing uniform standardized tools for the early diagnosis of malnutrition in this population. Applications of the nutritional assessments, proper nutritional interventions, and regular monitoring of nutritional status in older PLWH living in every clinical setting may help the patients get better well-being. (AIDS Rev. 2021;20:153-161)




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