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sRNA-controlled iron sparing response in Staphylococci


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Staphylococcus aureus, a human opportunist pathogen, adjusts its metabolism to cope with iron deprivation within the host. We investigated the potential role of small non-coding RNAs (sRNAs) in dictating this process. A single sRNA, named here IsrR, emerged from a competition assay with tagged-mutant libraries as being required during iron starvation. IsrR is iron-repressed and predicted to target mRNAs expressing iron-containing enzymes. Among them, we demonstrated that IsrR down-regulates the translation of mRNAs of enzymes that catalyze anaerobic nitrate respiration. The IsrR sequence reveals three single-stranded C-rich regions (CRRs). Mutational and structural analysis indicated a differential contribution of these CRRs according to targets. We also report that IsrR is required for full lethality of S. aureus in a mouse septicemia model, underscoring its role as a major contributor to the iron-sparing response for bacterial survival during infection. IsrR is conserved among staphylococci, but it is not ortholog to the proteobacterial sRNA RyhB, nor to other characterized sRNAs down-regulating mRNAs of iron-containing enzymes. Remarkably, these distinct sRNAs regulate common targets, illustrating that RNA-based regulation provides optimal evolutionary solutions to improve bacterial fitness when iron is scarce.
机译:金黄色葡萄球菌是一种人类机会主义病原体,它调整其新陈代谢以应对宿主体内的铁剥夺。我们研究了小非编码RNA(sRNA)在决定这一过程中的潜在作用。一种单一的sRNA,这里命名为IsrR,从竞争性测定中出现,标记突变文库在铁饥饿期间是必需的。IsrR 是铁抑制的,预计会靶向表达含铁酶的 mRNA。其中,我们证明了IsrR下调催化无氧硝酸盐呼吸的酶mRNA的翻译。IsrR 序列揭示了三个单链富 C 区 (CRR)。突变和结构分析表明,这些CRRs根据靶点的贡献存在差异。我们还报告说,在小鼠败血症模型中,金黄色葡萄球菌的完全致死性需要 IsrR,这强调了其作为感染期间细菌存活的保铁反应的主要贡献者的作用。IsrR 在葡萄球菌中是保守的,但它不是变形杆菌 sRNA RyhB 的直系同源物,也不是其他下调含铁酶 mRNA 的特征性 sRNA。值得注意的是,这些不同的sRNA调节共同的靶标,说明基于RNA的调节提供了最佳的进化解决方案,以改善铁稀缺时细菌的适应性。




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