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Acoustic and ultrasonographic characterization of polychloroprene, beeswax, and carbomer-gel to mimic soft-tissue for diagnostic ultrasound


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Materials with acoustic properties similar to soft-tissue are essential as tissue-mimicking materials (TMMs) for diagnostic ultrasound (US). The velocity (c(us)), acoustic impedance (AI) and attenuation coefficient of US (mu) in a material collectively define its acoustic property. In this work, the acoustic properties of polychloroprene rubber, beeswax, and Carbomer-gel are determined. The pulse-echo technique is used to estimatec(us)and mu. The product of a sample density (rho) andc(us)gives its AI. Using a reference based on theInternational Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements Report-61,Tissue Substitutes, Phantoms and Computational Modelling in Medical Ultrasound,the results are evaluated. The acceptance criteria are 1.043 +/- 0.021 g/cm(3)(rho), 1561 +/- 31.22 m/s (c(us)), 1.63 +/- 0.065 MRayls (AI) and mu within 0.5-0.7 dB/cm/MHz. Sample computerized tomography (CT) and US scanning are performed to evaluate their similarities (contrast and speckle pattern) with respective images of the human liver (a clinical soft-tissue). The average errors in measuringc(us)and mu were 0.14 and 1.2 respectively. From the present findings, acoustic properties of polychloroprene and beeswax are unacceptable. However, the results of Carbomer-gel rho = 1.03 g/cm(3),c(us) = 1567 m/s, AI = 1.61 MRayls are satisfactory and mu = 0.73 dB/cm/MHz, is higher than the reference (4.3). Carbomer-gel could produce CT and US images, efficiently mimicking the respective liver images. Carbomer-gel containing 95 water is a low-cost material with a simple formulation. Present results suggest, Carbomer- gel mimics soft-tissue and can be used as a TMM for diagnostic US.
机译:具有与软组织相似的声学特性的材料作为超声诊断 (US) 的组织模拟材料 (TMM) 是必不可少的。材料中US的速度(c(us))、声阻抗(AI)和衰减系数(mu)共同决定了其声学特性。在这项工作中,确定了氯丁橡胶、蜂蜡和卡波姆凝胶的声学特性。脉冲回波技术用于估计c(us)和mu。样本密度 (rho) 和 c(us) 的乘积给出了它的 AI。使用基于国际辐射单位和测量委员会报告-61的参考资料,医学超声中的组织替代品,模型和计算建模,对结果进行评估。验收标准为 1.043 +/- 0.021 g/cm(3)(rho)、1561 +/- 31.22 m/s (c(us))、1.63 +/- 0.065 MRayls (AI) 和 mu 在 0.5-0.7 dB/cm/MHz 范围内。 进行样本计算机断层扫描 (CT) 和超声扫描以评估它们与人肝脏(临床软组织)各自图像的相似性(对比度和斑点模式)。测量c(us)和mu的平均误差分别为0.14%和1.2%。从目前的研究结果来看,氯丁二烯和蜂蜡的声学特性是不可接受的。然而,Carbomer-gel rho = 1.03 g/cm(3),c(us) = 1567 m/s,AI = 1.61 MRayls的结果令人满意,mu = 0.73 dB/cm/MHz高于参考值(4.3%)。Carbomer-gel可以产生CT和US图像,有效地模拟各自的肝脏图像。含有95%水的卡波姆凝胶是一种低成本的材料,配方简单。目前的结果表明,Carbomer-gel模拟软组织,可用作诊断超声的TMM。




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