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Quality over Quantity: Nonmarket Values of Restoring Coastal Dunes in the US Pacific Northwest


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We design a choice experiment to examine public preferences for coastal dune ecosystem restoration in the U.S. Pacific Northwest. Dunes are a public good whose natural state is now rare. Respondents are asked to choose among hypothetical projects that vary by project size, restoration quality, recreation access, flooding risk, and cost. Restoration quality is defined as closeness to the natural ecosystem. We find that increas-ing restoration quality results in significantly higher welfare gains than increasing the size of restoration area. Maintaining recreation access is preferred, and programs with recre-ation restrictions yield positive willingness to pay only if accompanied by the highest resto-ration quality. (JEL Q51, Q57)
机译:我们设计了一个选择实验来研究公众对美国太平洋西北部沿海沙丘生态系统恢复的偏好。沙丘是一种公共产品,其自然状态现在很少见。受访者被要求在假设项目中进行选择,这些项目因项目规模、修复质量、娱乐设施、洪水风险和成本而异。恢复质量被定义为与自然生态系统的接近程度。我们发现,与增加恢复面积相比,提高恢复质量会带来更高的福利收益。保持娱乐机会是首选,而有娱乐限制的计划只有在具有最高恢复质量的情况下才能产生积极的支付意愿。(JEL Q51、Q57)




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