首页> 外文期刊>Computational intelligence and neuroscience >Construction of Game Model between Carbon Emission Minimization and Energy and Resource Economy Maximization Based on Deep Neural Network

Construction of Game Model between Carbon Emission Minimization and Energy and Resource Economy Maximization Based on Deep Neural Network


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Under this background, this paper tries to find countermeasures and ways for carbon reduction by observing and analyzing the influencing factors of carbon emissions, designing ways to minimize carbon emissions and maximize resources and energy. In view of the above problems, the carbon emission prediction research is closely combined with the research of deep neural network, the carbon emission prediction models based on deep neural network are established, respectively, and the game theory is introduced to maximize the resource economy. Based on the analysis of the cost of energy resources, this paper puts forward a model based on game theory and makes an overall planning of the bidding online auxiliary decision-making system in combination with the actual market demand. Build a big data analysis platform based on the Internet of things, collect the data related to carbon emission for normalization, analyze the influencing factors related to carbon emission by using the principal component analysis method, select the data with higher connection value, and take the time series data as the input of the deep neural network for simulation verification. The simulation results show that the game model of carbon emission minimization and energy resource economic maximization based on deep neural network can effectively improve the economic maximization of energy resources and reduce carbon emissions.




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