首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Materials Science >Tailoring thermal and electrical conductivities of a Ni-Ti-Hf-based shape memory alloy by microstructure design

Tailoring thermal and electrical conductivities of a Ni-Ti-Hf-based shape memory alloy by microstructure design


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Shape memory alloys (SMAs) exhibit unique properties, including the ability to restore their original shape by temperature variations. One of the grand challenges of the aerospace industry is to develop SMAs with transformation temperatures above 100 degrees C with high thermal conductivity. This study focuses on the effects of heat treatments on the microstructure, thermal and electrical conductivities of the Ni50.9Ti29.6Hf19.5 SMA that features good combination between transformation temperatures and physical properties desirable for aerospace applications, such as actuators. We found that heat treatments at 550 degrees C or 700 degrees C for 3 or 50 h affect the microstructure significantly, leading to formation of nanometer-size Hf-rich precipitates. As a result, the Martensite-toAustenite phase transformation temperature is shifted from 100 degrees C up to 205 degrees C. Moreover, these heat treatments affect the electrical and thermal conductivities. The maximum room-temperature values of both thermal and electrical conductivities were recorded after heat treatment at 700 degrees C for 3 h and are as high as kappa = 13.1 +/- 0.4Wm(-1) K-1 and sigma = (9 +/- 0.27) x 10(3) Scm(-1), respectively. The correlation between transformation temperature, microstructure, and thermal and electrical conductivities provides us with useful knowledge required for high temperature SMA design. GRAPHICS .
机译:形状记忆合金 (SMA) 具有独特的性能,包括通过温度变化恢复其原始形状的能力。航空航天业面临的一大挑战是开发转变温度高于100°C且具有高导热性的SMA。本研究的重点是热处理对Ni50.9Ti29.6Hf19.5 SMA的微观结构、热导率和电导率的影响,Ni50.9Ti29.6Hf19.5 SMA具有良好的转变温度和物理性能,适用于航空航天应用,如致动器。我们发现,在550°C或700°C下热处理3或50 h会显着影响微观结构,导致形成纳米级富Hf沉淀物。结果,马氏体到奥氏体的相变温度从 100 摄氏度变至 205 摄氏度。此外,这些热处理会影响导电性和导热性。在700°C热处理3 h后,记录了热导率和电导率的最大室温值,分别高达kappa = 13.1 +/- 0.4Wm(-1) K-1和sigma = (9 +/- 0.27) x 10(3) Scm(-1)。转变温度、微观结构以及热导率和电导率之间的相关性为我们提供了高温 SMA 设计所需的有用知识。[图形] .




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