首页> 外文期刊>Drug and alcohol review >Putting out the welcome mat—A qualitative exploration of service delivery processes and procedures as barriers to treatment‐seeking for people who use alcohol and other drugs

Putting out the welcome mat—A qualitative exploration of service delivery processes and procedures as barriers to treatment‐seeking for people who use alcohol and other drugs


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Abstract Introduction There are a range of models and structures that determine features of alcohol and other drug treatment. Despite some structures being long‐established, less is known about how specific aspects of service delivery impact treatment‐seeking for people who use alcohol and other drugs. This Australian qualitative study explored both people with lived experience of problematic alcohol and other drug use, and health care staff's experiences of service delivery. Methods Thirty‐nine semi‐structured interviews with people with lived experience and staff from either alcohol and other drug specialist, or broader health‐care services, explored experiences of service delivery processes and procedures. Transcripts were thematically analysed and guided by a broad interest in barriers to treatment‐seeking. Results Within alcohol and other drug specialist services (i) time spent on wait lists; and (ii) poor implementation of assessment processes were identified barriers to treatment‐seeking and engagement. Within broader health‐care services (i) organisational expectations around behaviour and engagement; (ii) alcohol and other drugs viewed as separate to service role; and (iii) limited opportunities to informally engage were identified barriers to treatment‐seeking. Discussion and Conclusions Results suggest opportunities to engage and undertake needs‐based care planning are yet to be fully realised, particularly at the intake and assessment stages of alcohol and other drug service delivery; with frequent reassessment resulting in people repeatedly recounting traumatic experiences, often to different people, only to be placed back on wait lists with no support. Within broader health‐care services aspects of service delivery may perpetuate stigma that places such people outside the purview of health care.
机译:摘要 引言 有一系列模型和结构决定了酒精和其他药物治疗的特征。尽管一些结构由来已久,但人们对服务提供的具体方面如何影响使用酒精和其他药物的人的治疗知之甚少。这项澳大利亚定性研究探讨了有酗酒和其他药物使用问题的人,以及医护人员提供服务的经历。方法 对具有生活经验的人以及来自酒精和其他药物专家或更广泛的医疗保健服务机构的工作人员进行 39 次半结构化访谈,探讨了服务提供过程和程序的经验。对转录本进行了主题分析,并以对寻求治疗障碍的广泛兴趣为指导。结果 在酒精和其他药物专家服务中 (i) 在等候名单上花费的时间;(ii)评估过程执行不力是寻求治疗和参与的障碍。在更广泛的卫生保健服务中,(i)组织对行为和参与的期望;(ii) 酒精和其他被视为与服务角色无关的药物;(iii)非正式参与的机会有限,是寻求治疗的障碍。讨论和结论 结果表明,参与和开展基于需求的护理计划的机会尚未完全实现,特别是在酒精和其他药物服务的提供阶段;频繁的重新评估导致人们反复讲述创伤经历,通常是对不同的人,结果却被重新列入等候名单,没有任何支持。在更广泛的卫生保健服务中,提供服务的各个方面可能会使污名化长期存在,使这些人被排除在卫生保健范围之外。




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