首页> 外文期刊>IEICE Transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications & computer sciences >Vulnerability Estimation of DNN Model Parameters with Few Fault Injections

Vulnerability Estimation of DNN Model Parameters with Few Fault Injections


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The reliability of deep neural networks (DNN) againsthardware errors is essential as DNNs are increasingly employed in safetycriticalapplications such as automatic driving. Transient errors in memory,such as radiation-induced soft error, may propagate through the inferencecomputation, resulting in unexpected output, which can adversely triggercatastrophic system failures. As a first step to tackle this problem, this paperproposes constructing a vulnerability model (VM) with a small number offault injections to identify vulnerable model parameters in DNN.We reducethe number of bit locations for fault injection significantly and developa flow to incrementally collect the training data, i.e., the fault injectionresults, for VM accuracy improvement. We enumerate key features (KF)that characterize the vulnerability of the parameters and use KF and thecollected training data to construct VM. Experimental results show thatVMcan estimate vulnerabilities of all DNN model parameters only with 1/3490computations compared with traditional fault injection-based vulnerabilityestimation.
机译:深度神经网络 (DNN) 针对硬件错误的可靠性至关重要,因为 DNN 越来越多地用于自动驾驶等安全关键型应用。内存中的瞬态错误(例如辐射引起的软错误)可能会在推理计算中传播,从而导致意外输出,从而可能引发灾难性的系统故障。作为解决这一问题的第一步,本文提出构建一个具有少量故障注入的漏洞模型(VM),以识别DNN中易受攻击的模型参数。我们显著减少了故障注入的位位置数量,并开发了一个流程来逐步收集训练数据,即故障注入结果,以提高虚拟机的准确性。我们列举了表征参数脆弱性的关键特征(KF),并使用KF和收集的训练数据来构建VM。实验结果表明,与传统的基于故障注入的漏洞估计相比,VM仅能以1/3490的计算量估计所有DNN模型参数的漏洞。




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