首页> 外文期刊>Planetary and space science >Physical properties of the slow-rotating near-Earth asteroid (2059) Baboquivari from one apparition

Physical properties of the slow-rotating near-Earth asteroid (2059) Baboquivari from one apparition


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In this study, we carried out photometric, spectroscopic, and for the first time, polarimetric observations of the Amor-type near-Earth asteroid (2059) Baboquivari. Our findings represent the first reliable determination of Baboquivari's physical properties. We used data from a 1m-class telescope (T100) along with ALCDEF data for photometric analyses and a 1.5-m-class telescope (RTT150) for polarimetric, spectroscopic, and additional photometric observations. We obtained the synodic rotation period of Baboquivari as 129.93 +/- 2.31 h and the standard phase function parameters H and G as 16.05 +/- 0.05, 0.22 +/- 0.02, respectively. Our colour index (V-R) measurement of 0.45 +/- 0.02 is consistent with spectroscopic observations, indicating an S (or sub-S) spectral type. Using the polarimetric and spectroscopic data, we found that the geometric albedo is 0.15 +/- 0.03, and the spectral type is Sq. Based on the estimated albedo and absolute magnitude, Baboquivari has an effective diameter of 2.12 +/- 0.21 km. Due to the scattered data in the light curve, its slow rotation and location among the NEAs suggest that Baboquivari may be a non-principal axis (NPA) rotator.
机译:在这项研究中,我们对阿莫尔型近地小行星(2059)巴博基瓦里进行了光度、光谱和首次极化观测。我们的发现代表了对巴博基瓦里物理性质的首次可靠测定。我们使用来自1m级望远镜(T100)的数据以及ALCDEF数据进行光度分析,并使用1.5m级望远镜(RTT150)进行偏振、光谱和其他光度观测。我们得到的巴博基瓦里的朔望自转周期为129.93 +/- 2.31 h,标准相位函数参数H和G分别为16.05 +/- 0.05、0.22 +/- 0.02。我们的色指数 (V-R) 测量值为 0.45 +/- 0.02,与光谱观察结果一致,表明光谱类型为 S(或亚 S)。利用极化和光谱数据,我们发现几何反照率为0.15 +/- 0.03,光谱类型为Sq.根据估计的反照率和绝对星等,Baboquivari的有效直径为2.12 +/- 0.21 km。由于光曲线中的数据分散,其缓慢的旋转和在近地天体中的位置表明Baboquivari可能是一个非主轴(NPA)旋转器。




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