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Research on cobalt-rich-crust cutting mechanism of conical picks under different types of joints conditions


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In order to study the cobalt-rich-crust cutting mechanism of conical picks under conditions of different types of joints, a simulation model of cobalt-rich-crust cutting is establish based on the discrete element method. The cutting pattern, cutting efficiency, crack growth ability, and size of broken cobalt-rich crust are analyzed and similar cutting experiments are conducted. The results thus obtained show that the cutting pattern is directly affected by the joint of the cobalt-rich crust and bedrock and the cutting space and load modes, and there are six basic cutting patterns under various working conditions. As the joint angle is increased, the cutting efficiency of the conical pick decreases gradually. The cutting efficiency of a simultaneous pattern is greater than that of a sequential pattern. When the cutting space is less than 35 mm, the size of the broken cobalt-rich crust produced using the simultaneous pattern is smaller than that produced using the sequential pattern. The cutting experiments verify the accuracy of the simulation.
机译:为研究不同类型节理条件下锥形截头的富钴结壳切削机理,基于离散元法建立了富钴结壳切削仿真模型。分析了破碎富钴结壳的切削模式、切削效率、裂纹扩展能力和尺寸,并进行了类似的切削实验。结果表明,富钴地壳与基岩的节理以及切削空间和荷载模式直接影响切削模式,在不同工况下有6种基本切削模式。随着接头角度的增加,锥形截齿的切割效率逐渐降低。同步图案的切割效率高于顺序图案的切割效率。当切削空间小于35 mm时,使用同步模式生产的破碎富钴结壳的尺寸小于使用顺序模式生产的破碎的富钴结壳的尺寸。切削实验验证了仿真的准确性。




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