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Fission battery economics-by-design


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To help address the low-carbon energy challenge, fission batteries could serve a wide variety of markets requiring heat, electricity, or other energy products. Fission batteries would be manufactured in a factory, delivered to the user, and returned to the factory for refurbishment and refueling. Fission battery developers face important tradeoffs between standardization, which is necessary to achieve cost competitiveness through large-scale manufacturing, and customization, which is necessary to meet the various needs of specific markets. Economics-by-design provides a comprehensive and systematic framework for assessing market requirements and adapting fission battery designs for the optimal balance of standardization and customization. The target cost range for fission batteries is $6-15/million BTU. The market review identified existing U.S. markets (primarily petroleum refining, chemicals, paper and pulp, food processing, and biofuels), and the large maritime market to decarbonize global shipping and offshore platforms. Decarbonization of the U.S. economy could increase the FB market by more than an order of magnitude for applications ranging from large-scale biofuels to powering office and industrial parks. High-volume markets have low market entry prices because of competition from other low-carbon alternatives. Remote sites and military applications would allow for higher fission battery costs, but these potential markets are smaller (dozens of units). The market review highlights how no single market is attractive for fission batteries from the standpoint of all metrics considered: market sizing, profitability prospects, operational requirements, and nuclear-specific requirements. As such, fission battery developers following the economics-by-design approach would likely need to rely on a base design satisfying constraints for most markets, then customize a limited set of parameters in order to cater to a larger variety of markets while still leveraging benefits from standardization.
机译:为了帮助应对低碳能源挑战,裂变电池可以服务于需要热能、电力或其他能源产品的各种市场。裂变电池将在工厂制造,交付给用户,然后返回工厂进行翻新和加油。裂变电池开发商面临着标准化和定制之间的重要权衡,前者是通过大规模制造实现成本竞争力所必需的,后者是满足特定市场各种需求所必需的。设计经济提供了一个全面而系统的框架,用于评估市场需求和调整裂变电池设计,以实现标准化和定制的最佳平衡。裂变电池的目标成本范围为 6-15 美元/百万 BTU。市场审查确定了现有的美国市场(主要是石油精炼、化学品、造纸和纸浆、食品加工和生物燃料)以及大型海运市场,以使全球航运和海上平台脱碳。美国经济的脱碳可能会使FB市场增加一个数量级以上,其应用范围从大型生物燃料到为办公室和工业园区供电。由于来自其他低碳替代品的竞争,大批量市场的市场准入价格较低。偏远站点和军事应用将允许更高的裂变电池成本,但这些潜在市场较小(数十个单位)。市场评论强调了从所有考虑的指标的角度来看,没有一个单一市场对裂变电池具有吸引力:市场规模、盈利前景、运营要求和核特定要求。因此,遵循经济设计方法的裂变电池开发人员可能需要依赖满足大多数市场约束条件的基本设计,然后定制一组有限的参数,以迎合更多种类的市场,同时仍然利用标准化带来的好处。




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