首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Chemical Education >A Green and Efficient Cyclization of Citronellal into Isopulegol: A Guided-Inquiry Organic Chemistry Laboratory Experiment

A Green and Efficient Cyclization of Citronellal into Isopulegol: A Guided-Inquiry Organic Chemistry Laboratory Experiment


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This project introduces green chemistry to the undergraduate laboratory through two pedagogical techniques: undergraduate research and guided-inquiry. Through these two learning activities, an efficient synthetic procedure for the PRINS cyclization of citronellal into isopulegol, focused on minimizing negative environmental impact, was developed. This project involved two stages. First, a senior undergraduate student applied the principles of green chemistry to the cyclization of citronellal, a naturally occurring aldehyde, into isopulegol, a commercially important compound. The cyclization reaction was achieved in high yield with montmorillonite (MK10) catalyst in buffer medium at room temperature stirring for 2 h. Second, the student researcher, with faculty supervision, transformed this study into a laboratory experiment for Organic Chemistry II students, using inquiry-based pedagogy. Through this project, the student researcher gained experience applying green chemistry principles in the field and in the classroom. The organic chemistry students likewise benefitted, as they gained autonomy, interest in green chemistry, and confidence in the research process, according to the results of a student survey. Thus, this study allowed both the student researcher and the organic chemistry students to expand their experience, autonomy, and appreciation for and application of green chemistry.
机译:本项目通过本科生研究和引导探究两种教学技术将绿色化学引入本科生实验室。通过这两项学习活动,开发了一种有效的合成程序,用于将香茅醛环化为异丙醇,重点是最大限度地减少对环境的负面影响。该项目分为两个阶段。首先,一名高年级本科生将绿色化学原理应用于香茅醛(一种天然存在的醛)环化成异丙醇(一种具有重要商业价值的化合物)。在室温搅拌2 h的缓冲介质中,蒙脱石(MK10)催化剂以高收率实现环化反应。其次,学生研究人员在教师的监督下,使用基于探究的教学法,将这项研究转化为有机化学II学生的实验室实验。通过这个项目,学生研究人员获得了在现场和课堂上应用绿色化学原理的经验。根据一项学生调查结果,有机化学专业的学生同样受益匪浅,因为他们获得了自主权、对绿色化学的兴趣和对研究过程的信心。因此,本研究使学生研究人员和有机化学学生都能够扩展他们对绿色化学的经验、自主性以及欣赏和应用。




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