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Effect of preceding integrated nutrient management practices in kharif crops on system productivity and profitability of barley-based cropping systems


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The study was conducted for three years from 2013-14 to 2015-16 at CCSHAU, Regional Research Station, Bawal- 123501, Rewari, India to study the effect of different integrated nutrient management practices applied in kharif crops on productivity and profitability of various barley based cropping system. The experiment was laid-out in a split plot design with three replications. The main plot treatments consisted of three cropping systems viz. Pearl millet-barley, Mungbean-barley and Clusterbean-barley and sub-plot treatments comprised of seven nutrient management treatments viz. RDF (Recommended dose of fertilizer), 75 RDF + 5 t FYM/ha, 75 RDF + 2.5 t vermicompost/ ha, 100 RDF + biofertilizer, 75 RDF + 5 t FYM/ha + biofertilizer, 75 RDF + 2.5 t vermicompost/ ha + Biofertilizer and 75 RDF + 5 t FYM/ha. These treatments were applied in kharif crops, while in rabi, barley was grown with RDF only. The soils of the experimental field were loamy sand with low fertility status and poor water holding capacity. The pooled data of three years study revealed that application of 75 RDF + 5 t FYM/ha + biofertilizer applied in Kharif crops (pearl millet, mung bean and clusterbean) produced significantly higher barley equivalent yield (104.93 q/ha) over RDF (90.27 q/ha). Among three cropping systems, clusterbean - barley cropping system recorded 33.7 and 78.5 per cent higher barley equivalent yield than that obtained under mung bean-barley and pearlmillet-barley cropping systems, respectively. Pooled mean of three year data for economical parameters indicated that the application of 75 RDF integrated with 5 t FYM/ha + bio-fertilizer applied in Kharif season fetched highest net returns and benefit: cost ratio (Rs. 63834/ha and 2.07, respectively) over RDF (Rs. 48138/ha and 1.82, respectively). Economic analysis of cropping systems evaluated indicated that clusterbean - barley cropping system was more profitable with highest net returns (Rs. 79404/ha) and B:C ratio (2.26) than mung bean-barley (Net returns : Rs. 51287/ha and B:C ratio : 1.87) and pearlmillet-barley (Net returns : Rs. 31810/ha and B:C ratio : 1.56) cropping systems, respectively.
机译:该研究于 2013-14 年至 2015-16 年在印度 Rewari Bawal-123501 区域研究站的 CCSHAU 进行了为期三年的研究,以研究应用于 kharif 作物的不同综合养分管理实践对各种大麦种植系统的生产力和盈利能力的影响。该实验采用具有三个重复的分体样地设计。主要地块处理包括三种种植系统,即:珍珠小米-大麦、绿豆-大麦和簇豆-大麦处理和子样地处理,包括七种养分管理处理,即RDF(推荐肥料剂量)、75% RDF + 5 t FYM/ha、75% RDF + 2.5 t 蚯蚓粪/公顷、100% RDF + 生物肥料、75% RDF + 5 吨蚯蚓粪/公顷 + 生物肥料和 75% RDF + 5 吨蚯蚓粪/公顷。这些处理应用于哈里夫作物,而在拉比,大麦仅用RDF种植。试验田土壤为肥力低、持水能力差的肥沃砂土。三年研究的汇总数据显示,在哈里夫作物(珍珠粟、绿豆和簇豆)中施用75%RDF+5吨FYM/ha+生物肥料,大麦当量产量(104.93 q/ha)明显高于RDF(90.27 q/ha)。在3个种植系统中,簇豆-大麦种植系统分别为33.7和78。大麦当量产量分别比绿豆-大麦和珍珠小米-大麦种植系统高5%。经济参数的三年数据的汇总平均值表明,在哈里夫季节施用75%RDF与5吨FYM/ha+生物肥料相结合,比RDF(分别为48138卢比/公顷和1.82卢比)获得了最高的净回报和效益:成本比(分别为63834卢比/公顷和2.07卢比)。对所评估的种植系统的经济分析表明,簇豆-大麦种植系统比绿豆-大麦(净收益:51287卢比/公顷,B:C比:1.87)和珍珠小米-大麦(净收益:31810卢比/公顷,B:C比:1.56)更有利可图,净回报率最高(79404卢比/公顷)和B:C比:1.56。




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