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A better model for modern cities: Can we really design a sustainable city? Well, it would be a good start to understand what sustainability involves


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WHAT NEW or altered forms should towns and cities take? Is there an example of a new, more sustainable model for the complex modern 24-hour city? The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) has committed itself to researching the area, and the VivaCity 2020 project team undertook a massive research programme under the leadership of Professor Rachel Cooper of Lancaster University. The team, which was gathered from five universities - Lancaster, Salford, UCL, Sheffield and London Metropolitan - included experts in architectural design, acoustics, pollution, thermal quality, sociology, crime, housing, planning and IT. The team set about developing a programme based on collecting data in eight key areas of sustainability.
机译:城镇应该采取哪些新的或改变的形式?对于复杂的现代 24 小时城市,有没有一种新的、更可持续的模式的例子?工程和物理科学研究委员会 (EPSRC) 致力于研究该领域,VivaCity 2020 项目团队在兰开斯特大学的 Rachel Cooper 教授的领导下开展了一项大规模的研究计划。该团队来自兰开斯特大学、索尔福德大学、伦敦大学学院、谢菲尔德大学和伦敦大都会大学五所大学,包括建筑设计、声学、污染、热质量、社会学、犯罪、住房、规划和 IT 方面的专家。该团队着手制定一项计划,该计划基于在可持续发展的八个关键领域收集数据。




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