首页> 外文期刊>critical public health >'Help curb the hunger pangs': news media frames of weight loss during the COVID-19 lockdown

'Help curb the hunger pangs': news media frames of weight loss during the COVID-19 lockdown

机译:"Help curb the hunger pangs": news media frames of weight loss during the COVID-19 lockdown

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The news media has consistently promoted weight loss as a solution to the "obesity epidemic", despite research refuting the connection between fatness and health. In this paper, I examine the framing of weight loss in news articles during lockdown months of 2020, addressing whether healthist ideologies about weight loss persisted or declined during the pandemic. Most articles reflected a healthism lens, encouraging weight loss to achieve good health and to prevent COVID-19. However, some articles rejected weight loss or utilized a Health at Every Size perspective. This study has implications for research on body surveillance, neoliberalism, public health, and media reporting about weight loss and COVID-19.




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