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Loitering drone strikes by Houthi and PMU rebels in the United Arab Emirates have led to a new role for US Air Force Raptors and other American assets in the volatile region. In the afternoon of Friday, February 18, 2022, a trio of US Air Force F-22A Raptor Air Superiority fighter jets landed at Al-Dhafra Air Base in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Serialed 04-4076, 05-4091 and 09-4189, they were part of 27th Fighter Squadron, 1st Fighter Wing, and they joined nine other F-22As of the squadron already at Al-Dhafra. The nine had been previously transferred to the base on February 10 and 12 to protect the UAE from the threat posed by loitering drones of the rebels of the Houthi and PMU (Popular Mobilization Units, or Hashd al-Shaabi) groups. Earlier, on January 27, at the request of the UAE government, US National Guard F-16C fighter jets had started armed air patrols over the country followed by USMC F/A-18C/D fighters on February 10. These patrols had begun after the drone strikes by Houthi militias on January 17 and 24, and were intensified following the drone strike on January 30. With the arrival of F-22A fighters in the UAE and the start of their armed air patrols from Monday, February 14, 2022, the mission of the US National Guard and Marine Corps fighters in the region has become more focused on air patrols over Saudi Arabia. These missions are intended to protect the country from drone strikes similar to those in the UAE.
机译:胡塞武装和PMU叛乱分子在阿拉伯联合酋长国的游荡无人机袭击导致美国空军猛禽和其他美国资产在动荡地区发挥了新作用。2022 年 2 月 18 日星期五下午,三架美国空军 F-22A 猛禽空中优势战斗机降落在阿拉伯联合酋长国 (UAE) 的 Al-Dhafra 空军基地。序列号为04-4076、05-4091和09-4189,它们是第1战斗机联队第27战斗机中队的一部分,他们加入了已经在Al-Dhafra的中队的其他九架F-22A。这九人此前已于2月10日和12日被转移到该基地,以保护阿联酋免受胡塞武装和PMU(人民动员部队,或Hashd al-Shaabi)叛乱分子的游荡无人机构成的威胁。早些时候,1月27日,应阿联酋政府的要求,美国国民警卫队F-16C战斗机开始在该国上空进行武装空中巡逻,随后美国海军陆战队F/A-18C/D战斗机于2月10日开始在该国上空进行武装空中巡逻。这些巡逻是在1月17日和24日胡塞民兵无人机袭击后开始的,并在1月30日的无人机袭击后得到加强。随着 F-22A 战斗机抵达阿联酋并从 2022 年 2 月 14 日星期一开始武装空中巡逻,美国国民警卫队和海军陆战队战斗机在该地区的任务变得更加侧重于沙特阿拉伯上空的空中巡逻。这些任务旨在保护该国免受类似于阿联酋的无人机袭击。




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